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Liste de prestataires ProgOnline experts dans le domaine recherché (DATING WEBSITE) :

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Classé : 94 705ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ... Couple of WEBSITEs and multimedia presentations. - very good with the following: PHP & MySQL, JavaScript, ...

Classé : 23 008ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ... Concepteur WEBSITE :??????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ??????????...

Classé : 23 007ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ...?Jan 2011 – Web developer Freelancer,????????????? Romania, Turkey?? Designing and developing WEBSITEs for private clients? Developing? personal? projects? with ......chnology and user friendly designs that enable the customers to enhance their businesses.Working on WEBSITEs for the PBM clients, developing mini-games for their biggest? project Wingaroo? Adventure?u...

Classé : 42 751ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ...ftware co-verification solutions Project: Synopsys “Zebu” Emulator SW Validation QA WEBSITE integration and plugin implementation(Login Authentication, HTML form, Test case DB commun......HTML,php,Mysql,Java Script) Develop GUI application to retrieve campaign status parameters from WEBSITE and generate xls report status mailed to each QA testers team(QT4.8, python,linux) Devel......ftware co-verification solutions Project: Synopsys “Zebu” Emulator SW Validation QA WEBSITE integration and plugin implementation(Login Authentication, HTML form, Test case DB commun......HTML,php,Mysql,Java Script) Develop GUI application to retrieve campaign status parameters from WEBSITE and generate xls report status mailed to each QA testers team(QT4.8, python,linux) Devel...

Classé : 18 372ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ... development distributed applications ;• Designing the appearance, layout and data flow of the WEBSITE while maintainingand updating the content of the latter ;• Design and implementation li...

Classé : 52 709ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ... WEBSITEs : notre mission est de construire le site web dans son int?gralit?, de graphisme aux applic...

Classé : 33 163ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ...pplications Int?gration de solutions Architecture d'entrepriseE & M-banking application buildingWEBSITE Design?????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ??????????...

Classé : 1 584ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ...SQL or SQLIA injectionsJun 2008 – Oct 2010: Web Developer?: Softibox, e-Tech Consulting (+ 40 WEBSITEs based on PHP) o??? Design and implementation of WEBSITE database architectures (backO......?: Softibox, e-Tech Consulting (+ 40 WEBSITEs based on PHP) o??? Design and implementation of WEBSITE database architectures (backOffice and front office) Development of e-commerce WEBSITEs usi......entation of WEBSITE database architectures (backOffice and front office) Development of e-commerce WEBSITEs using different CMS: Magento, SPIP, Joomla, wordpress, Drupal,… ...

Classé : 35 988ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ... 2009 - September 2010IQRASOFT COMPUTERS |Computers - Hardware- the creation of dedicated software- WEBSITEs- Application for iPhone- social networks- Advanced troubleshooting incidents in the system, 2009?–?September 2010?(10 months)Computers - Hardware- the creation of dedicated software- WEBSITEs- Application for iPhone- social networks- Advanced troubleshooting incidents in the system,...

Classé : 8 728ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ...GNERS - Agence de communication ( : Stagiaire Nouvelle Imprimerie. La BauleWEBSITE : Sp?cialiste en Communication Visuelle : Graphisme, Illustration, Pu...

Classé : 14 636ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ...ix also knows how to question himself and quickly adapts to a situation.ERMINIO PORCUTrainer???This WEBSITE was of substantial complexity as it required to program more than two hundred multiple choic...... expectations and this is why we do not hesitate to highly recommend him to those willing to have a WEBSITE.JACQUES OUELLETIndustrial PsychologistD?veloppement Web Front-End: HTML/CSS, Javascript/JQue...

Classé : 38 422ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ... 2007 ? Janvier 2008 : Mission ? APAUS (Agence de Promotion d’Acc?s Universel aux Services, WEBSITE :, Nouakchott, MAURITANIE, ? Am?lioration du logiciel de gestion de la clien......Juin 2007 : Consultant ? l’APAUS (Agence de Promotion d’Acc?s Universel aux Services, WEBSITE :, Nouakchott, MAURITANIE, Contact : Mamadou Amadou KANE, Directeur Etudes & D...

Classé : 54 620ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ...Experience: ?September 2007- January 2008 ?Company - ?Database AdministrationPC Operator /WEBSITE Content ManagerJanuary 2008 – July 2009??Webmark Group Advertising AgencyOnline Market......-------------------- --------------------------------------Op erating skills: ?Html Coding,Creating WEBSITEs,Wordpress Management,Joomla Management,Creating Online Shops,eCommerce,?Advanced - level: M......iner ?Beginer ? Beginer ??Training:Online Marketing, SEO / SEM.- SEO (onpage and offpage) optimizingWEBSITEs to be on first page on Google, tohave niche traffic, related customers whospend more than 1......irst page on Google, tohave niche traffic, related customers whospend more than 15 seconds on their WEBSITE;to “beat” the competitors.?--------------------------- -------------------------...

Classé : 18 702ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ...ur Interchange et OsCommerce avec int?gration syst?me de paiement. Mise en place de CMS (Typo3, phpWEBSITE) d'intranet (CPS,groupware). Gestion de serveurs. Langages pratiqu?s: php/mysql, perl, jav...

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ...ings.comhttps://stanond EO?Redaction web?Community manager?WEBSITEservice clientele?...

Classé : 9 190ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ...rk: Custom frameworkTechnologies: PHP 5, MySQL, JavascriptMain projects: Financial applications and WEBSITE ( (Strassen, Luxembourg):Analyst developer PHPCMS: Typo...

Classé : 2 289ème dans le classement général

Evaluation du prestataire : (9.5/10) - 29 évaluation(s)

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ... leader dans les applications Web- Webmaster au sein de la soci?t? Marocinternet? XMLWEBSITE Design .NetTranslation System Admin. SEO Script Installation PHP Photoshop Perl/CGI ...

Classé : 14 949ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ...r PHP Developer with more than 7 years expedience, living in Paris. ?I am a problem solver ! CMS WEBSITES : Highly skilled with Joomla , Wordpress, and Drupal. I created some e-commerce WEBSITEs ! CMS WEBSITES : Highly skilled with Joomla , Wordpress, and Drupal. I created some e-commerce WEBSITEs to with Prestashop. CUSTOM PHP DEVS: As a skilled PHP/MYSQL dev, I use MVC patterns with h...

Classé : 15 268ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ... ?CLIENT:GAMIFYEUWEBSITE:GAMIFYEU.ORG???G amifyeu IS A PROJECT OF THE EU COMMISSION?CLIENT:YMCBWEBSITE:YMCB.EU??? YMC...... ?CLIENT:GAMIFYEUWEBSITE:GAMIFYEU.ORG???G amifyeu IS A PROJECT OF THE EU COMMISSION?CLIENT:YMCBWEBSITE:YMCB.EU??? YMCB is a project of the EU commission that allows young migrants?entrepreneurs t...... EU commission that allows young migrants?entrepreneurs to be mentored by professionals.?CLIENT:FIEJWEBSITE:FESTIV ALDELENFANCE.BE?FIEJ is an International Festival for the Children and the Youth. We ......STIV ALDELENFANCE.BE?FIEJ is an International Festival for the Children and the Youth. We madetheir WEBSITE to present the project and their latest news and activities.???JavascriptCSShtml? E-...

Classé : 10 258ème dans le classement général

Extrait de son profil ( DATING WEBSITE ) : ...oject/ ery-Animated-Grid-Plugin.html2010Freelan ceWEBSITE of l'Axess restaurantwww.laxess.bewebmaster2010Free lanceFlyer GoodFellaz Flyer2010In......be2009FreelanceVid& eacu te;o “Semiconductors in your life” for EECA-ESIA2009FreelanceWEBSITE of l'Axess restaurantwww.laxess.bewebmaster2008-200 9FreelanceE-greetings cards for L......tings cards for Louiselaw and BvD-it2007-2008FreelanceGraphical User Interface of intranet portal & WEBSITE of BvD-it2005FreelanceInvitation Card for inauguration of BvD-it2005FreelanceFlyer and Poste...

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