Domaines de compétence
Langages: PHP
Database: MySQL
Plateformes: Linux, Windows
Langues: Français (maternelle), Espagnol (bilingue), Anglais (avancé), Néerlandais (moyen)
Expérience professionnelle
GlobuleBleu (Liège, Belgium):
- Analyst developer PHP
- CMS: Drupal 6 and 7
- Technologies: PHP 5, MySQL, JQuery
- Main projects:
Ribs (Liège, Belgium):
- IT team leader and analyst developer PHP
- CMS: Drupal 6 and 7, Spip, Wordpress
- Framework: Zend Framework
- Technologies: PHP 5, MySQL, Javascript, JQuery, Flash
- Main projects:,
Fund Channel (Luxembourg, Luxembourg):
- Analyst developer PHP
- Framework: Custom framework
- Technologies: PHP 5, MySQL, Javascript
- Main projects: Financial applications and website (
Weblink (Strassen, Luxembourg):
- Analyst developer PHP
- CMS: Typo3
- Framework: Custom framework
- Technologies: Typo3, PHP 5, JQuery, MySQL
Inigo Media Ltd. (Edinburgh, Scotland):
- Analyst developer PHP
- CMS: Drupal 6 and 5, Magento, Homemade CMS, Wordpress, Jumpchart
- Technologies: Drupal 6 and 5, PHP 5, JQuery, javascript, MySQL, Linux
- Main projects: and
ElSendero (seville, Spain):
- Analyst developer PHP (Drupal)
- CMS: Drupal 6
- Technologies: Drupal 6, PHP 5, JQuery, MySQL, Linux
- Main project: (internet and intranet)
Dominion (Seville, Spain):
- Analyst developer PHP and Java
- CMS: OsCommerce and OpenCMS
- Technologies: PHP 5, MySQL, Linux, Java
- Main project:
Zend PHP 5.3 Certified
Bachelier en Informatique de Gestion
Formation officielle Zend Framework
Formation Drupal 7
Formation Drupal 6