Classé : 15 802ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( EXEMPLE EXTRACTION DONNEES MYSQL ) : ...e gestion des campagnes publicitaires Technologies: Php5, Php7, Symfony, Laravel, XDebug, PhpUnit, MYSQL, Redis, Doctrine ORM, Nginx, Apache, Ajax, Javascript, Jquery, Jquery UI, PhpStorm, Postman,......le Participation ? la refonte du SI commercial d’Orange Vall?e Technologies: Php5, PhpUnit, MYSQL, Javascript (Avec Ajax), Jquery, Jquery UI, Eclipse, Jenkins, Linux, Svn Ing?nieur d’?......pement des projets MODX Technologies: Php5, Zend Framework, Zend Debugger, Doctrine ORM, PhpUnit, MYSQL, Ajax, Javascript, Jquery, Jquery UI, Google Maps Api, Modx CMS, Linux, Svn ? ?Langages: Php......, Eclipse, Zend Studio, Visual Studio, NetBeans,Tomcat, Putty, Mremote, VNC, FileZilla, Phpmyadmin, MYSQL WorkBench, Microsoft Visio,Postman, SoapUI, JenkinsFrameworks: Symfony, Laravel, ZendSGBD: Mys...
Classé : 18 310ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( EXEMPLE EXTRACTION DONNEES MYSQL ) : ...ing Sonar covering the 7 axes of code. technical/Functional environmentLinux , UML,? Eclipse, JPA,? MYSQL 5, java j2ee, Maven 2, Hudson, EJB3, Servlets 3.0, JSP, JavaScript, Hibernate, Vaadin, JUnit, ......d) and configuration of a DMZFollow-up, tests and monitoring of the applications and the Oracle and MYSQL instance?Context: IPBX project for the telephone network of the FNE in Yaound? and Douala and ......amba, Nfs.Implementation of a tool of supervision with Nagiostechnical/Functional environmentLinux, MYSQL, XML, HTML, H323, Asterisk, IAX, DUNDi, ISDN, OpenLDAP, Apache, XML-RPC, Perl, Asterisk, SIP, ......ervices, google api, openbravo crm, matrimix, tuxedo, rational software architect, visual paradigm, MYSQL workbench, bonita bpmn. database: MYSQL 5, Oracle 10g & 11g, DB2, SQL Server 20012 Applicati...