Classé : 13 770ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( ECLIPSE TSHIRT MONTREUIL ) : ... junior developers -????? J2EE Technical analysis -????? J2EE? developement ? Main Technology: ECLIPSE indigo, J2EE 6, Hibernate,? JBOSS 6 and 7,Git, Jira, Ajax(JQUERY), UML 2, Enterprise Archite...... Working with in agile environment, I have been working in several topics. ? ? Main Technology: ECLIPSE, struts 1, EJB 3,? JBOSS, SVN, Jira, Ajax( DOJO, JQUERY), UML 2, Enterprise Architect, Scrum......? Writing user documentations. ???????? Software Maintenance, Bugs fixing. ? ? Main Technology: ECLIPSE, Servlet/JSP, XSLT (-FO), EJB (2), ANT, XML DB (Tamino), Tomcat, JBOSS, Weblogic, Apache, HT......lead in matter related to IAM -?????? Write technical specifications? -?????? ? Main Technology: ECLIPSE/WSAD, Struts, XSLT (-FO), ANT, Oracle 8i, Websphere, Apache, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, VSS...
Classé : 34 397ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( ECLIPSE TSHIRT MONTREUIL ) : ...dson/Jenkins et Teamcity (continuous build and test), Sonar (contr?le qualit? code), TOMCAT, JONAS, ECLIPSE, IBM RAD, WINDOWS, UNIX, SYBASE, GLOBAL PORTFOLIO V3 11/2007 ? 10/2010 ......ous build and test), Sonar (contr?le qualit? code), Selenium, Maven 2, ireport, tomcat, WAS 5 & 6, ECLIPSE (plugin moreunit, spring, Hibernate tools, junit flux, checkstyle, cobertura), SUBVERSION, ......l (rational rose), modele de donn?e, java/j2ee (MVC), cobol/procob, javascript, html, xml, tomcat, ECLIPSE WTP, windows 2000, oracle 9, cvs, log4j, struts, SPRING, ireport, quartz, toad, JCIFS, jdbc,......(power designer), java/j2ee (jsp, servlet, ejb (session, mdb), jndi), xml/xsl, jonas 4.5.2, tomcat, ECLIPSE 3.1, hibernate tools, windows xp, sybase ase 12.5, xdoclet, cvs, ant, hibernate, joram, jms ...