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Extrait de son profil ( CONSULTANT J2EE CERTIFIE ) : ...ses of the development lifecycle of M6 dierents WEB2.0 applications. Software factory : Java/JEE, Spring (Data, MVC), Junit, Hibernate, GWT, Mule ESB, AngularJS, Bootstrap, JasperReport, Maven,......cy administration system for life insurance, pension and healthcare) Software factory : Java/JEE, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Groovy, SqlDeveloper, Oracle12c, Maven, JBoss, UML, Scrum, JIRA, C......titutional investor services providers.) Software factory : ADL (Procedural language), Java, JEE, Swing, Conuence, UML, SCRUM, Kanban, JIRA, SVN Software engineer Cynapsys - Decem......eas, Deliverables, Resources, WBS, RBS, Skill matrix, Gantt, Pert... Software factory : Java/JEE, Spring Framework, Hibernate, JSF 2.0, PrimeFaces, JavaScript(GoJS), PostgreSQL,UML (power desig...