Classé : 4 674ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( CMMENT SE SERVIR DE OS COMMERCE AVEC UN HEBERGEUR ) : ..., Sun Office D?veloppement: VB, VBA Web: HTML vs. Script, Js Script, DHTML, PHP, ASP.NET, MySQL, POStegreSql, JAVA Plateforme: MS Access, Oracle 9iR2, MicrOSoft SQL Server, Design and conception: ......, Js Script, DHTML, PHP, ASP.NET, MySQL, POStegreSql, JAVA Plateforme: MS Access, Oracle 9iR2, MicrOSoft SQL Server, Design and conception: Dreamweaver, Fireworks, MS Flash, DTP, illustrator, PhotOS......crOSoft SQL Server, Design and conception: Dreamweaver, Fireworks, MS Flash, DTP, illustrator, PhotOShop Analyse et mod?lisation:Merise _AMC Designer, UML CMS: Druppal, joomla, wordpress, SPIP LMS :......et mod?lisation:Merise _AMC Designer, UML CMS: Druppal, joomla, wordpress, SPIP LMS : Moodle , DokeOS , Chamilo , Ganesha , Claroline – Blackboard , Riseup , Panopto , Opale FOAD : E-learning &...