Classé : 16 541ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( CHOISIRE SA BASE DE DONNE JAVA ) : ...ker, guitar tuner, bicycle course tracker (with GPS and google map), barcode reader (1D & 2D)... JAVA: J2SE, J2EE (JNDI, JDBC, EJB, RMI...), J2ME, JAVA CardC: ANSI C, C++ (STL), Objective C (Cocoa,......S and google map), barcode reader (1D & 2D)... JAVA: J2SE, J2EE (JNDI, JDBC, EJB, RMI...), J2ME, JAVA CardC: ANSI C, C++ (STL), Objective C (Cocoa, UIKit, Quartz...)Other: Pascal/Delphi, PHP, SQL, ......C++, Flex Builder, RIM JDEVersion Control: CVS, Tortoise SVN, SCPlugin, SmartSVN, PVCSOther: JUnit, JAVA Doc, Ant, Mantis Bug Tracker, Jira, Omondo UML, DoxygenWeb frameworks: Struts, Spring, Hibernat......ng, Hibernate, LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP), GWT (Google Web Toolkit), FlexWeb technologies: HTML, JAVAscript, CSS, Servlet, JSP, JBoss, Tomcat Windows: 95/98/NT/2000/XP/VistaUNIX: Mac OS Leopard, Ub...