Classé : 47 347ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( CHERCHE DEVELOPPEUR WEB 2008 ) : ... WEBsites developed by us -www.numbersbee.comwww.macrosynth.comwww .joinagame.comwww.runjersey.com?~ ......bsites developed by us -www.numbersbee.comwww.macrosynth.comwww .joinagame.comwww.runjersey.com?~ ~ WEB Application platform - ASP.NET, C + +, Java, JavaScript, Scala, Perl, PHP and Python.~ Mobile Ap......and SilverLight?~ Java - Swing, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, JSF, EJB, JBoss Portal, Lucene, IBM WEBSphere, Tomcat, Google WEB Toolkit, and ZK.~ ~ PHP - CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Joomla, Symfony, Yii, ......wing, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, JSF, EJB, JBoss Portal, Lucene, IBM WEBSphere, Tomcat, Google WEB Toolkit, and ZK.~ ~ PHP - CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Joomla, Symfony, Yii, Zend, Wordpress & Joomla. ...
Classé : 19 627ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( CHERCHE DEVELOPPEUR WEB 2008 ) : ...ation de Log4j pour la journalisation? Tests Unitaires? Tests d’int?gration?Environnement?: WEBSphere, RAD8.0, Java, JEE, EJB, IVY/ANT, SVN, Log4j, Cobol/Commerea/CICS, JSF, PrimeFaces, Struts......EE, XML, JUnit,? Maven, SVN, Jenkins, Log4j, Hibernate, JSF, PrimeFaces, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring WEB, Spring WEBflow, Spring Security, MySQL, RUBY, Jetty,? Apache , HTML&CSS, JavaScript ????D?c. 20......it,? Maven, SVN, Jenkins, Log4j, Hibernate, JSF, PrimeFaces, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring WEB, Spring WEBflow, Spring Security, MySQL, RUBY, Jetty,? Apache , HTML&CSS, JavaScript ????D?c. 2012 - Juillet......, Oracle ????????? Frameworks: Struts, Hibernate, Spring, Maven, JSF, Jquery, Symfony, PrimeFaces, WEBServices, Zend ????????? Design Patterns: MVC ????????? Mod?lisation?: MERISE, UML ????????? S...