Classé : 23 107ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( BASE DE DONNES TELETRAVAIL ) : ... - Thorough knowledge of Delphi programming, windows and Linux BASEd application designing and development, user interface and dataBASE design, OOPS concepts, prog...... programming, windows and Linux BASEd application designing and development, user interface and dataBASE design, OOPS concepts, program testing and debugging, software troubleshooting methods, require......rking knowledge of Delphi IDE, VBA (MSAccess, Excel), HTML, CSS, Js, Bootstrap, Jquery, MySQL, InterBASE, Firebbird, Foxpro, DBASE,Paradox, ?SQL Server and relational dataBASE systems, Laravel, MVC, W......IDE, VBA (MSAccess, Excel), HTML, CSS, Js, Bootstrap, Jquery, MySQL, InterBASE, Firebbird, Foxpro, DBASE,Paradox, ?SQL Server and relational dataBASE systems, Laravel, MVC, Web API, Unix and Linux pla......otstrap, Jquery, MySQL, InterBASE, Firebbird, Foxpro, DBASE,Paradox, ?SQL Server and relational dataBASE systems, Laravel, MVC, Web API, Unix and Linux platforms. - Maintenance of hardware PC (repair...
Classé : 24 627ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( BASE DE DONNES TELETRAVAIL ) : ...environnements (Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Iphone, Android, WindowsPhone, Web, etc.)?et sur toutes les BASEs de donn?es (HFSQL, AS/400 & IBM i, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, Informix, PostgresSQL, Prog...... donn?es (HFSQL, AS/400 & IBM i, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, Informix, PostgresSQL, Progress, SyBASE, XBASE, SQLite, Access, MariaDB, etc.)? ......s (HFSQL, AS/400 & IBM i, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, Informix, PostgresSQL, Progress, SyBASE, XBASE, SQLite, Access, MariaDB, etc.)? ...