Classé : 31 111ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( APPLICATION VB GESTION DES STOCK ) : ...mized to fit the needs of different groups of users. Some of the technologies used include XML/XSL, VB, COM, ASP 2.0, and MS SQL 2000 Server.BP Oil Movement system: The solution consisted of multiple......and developed over 50 Web-Enable reports using mainframe and PC SAS, SQL, DBII Utilities, HTML, and VBScript for the Dealer Financial Services Leasing department of Barnett Bank.1988-1996 : Senior Pr......, WebSphere, Eclipse, Certified Actuate e.Reporting, JSP, Web Services, XML, XSL, HTML, DHTML, CSS, VBScript/JavaScriptClient/Server Tools: Java, VB.NET, C++/C#, PHP, PERLMainframe Tools: SAS, COBOL I......rting, JSP, Web Services, XML, XSL, HTML, DHTML, CSS, VBScript/JavaScriptClient/Server Tools: Java, VB.NET, C++/C#, PHP, PERLMainframe Tools: SAS, COBOL II, CICS, JCL, TSODatabases: MS SQL Server, My...
Classé : 10 850ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( APPLICATION VB GESTION DES STOCK ) : ...t?gration d’Ajax? Fourniture de donn?es statistiques. Environnement: Windows, C# 2.0, VB NET 2.0, ASPNET 2.0, Oracle, Web Service, XML, XFT, CETO 01-2007 ? 06-2007 (70 jours) ......ion automatique d’emploi du temps (Programmation lin?aire) Environnement: Windows, MS Access, VB, LP Solve, R 2.5 (Framework statistique) 10-2006 ? 03-2007 (60 jours) Mission : G?n......HCP, DNS SGBD : SQL SERVEUR, MySQL, ORACLE, Microsoft ACCESS Langages : C, C++, C# 3.0, VB NET, Visual Basic, Cobol, Pascal, Prolog, VB script, Java script, XML et d?riv?s, HTML, ASP.NET,W......ORACLE, Microsoft ACCESS Langages : C, C++, C# 3.0, VB NET, Visual Basic, Cobol, Pascal, Prolog, VB script, Java script, XML et d?riv?s, HTML, ASP.NET,WCF,WPF M?thodes : ORM : NHibernate, Enti...