Classé : 11 463ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( ACCESS FONCTION UTILISATEUR SQL ) : ...ile Applications Development (iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android, Symbian) WSL / WSDL, LAMP, PHP / MYSQL, Symfony, CakePHP, Struts, Hibernate, JavaScript, YUI, Tomcat, MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, X-Cart, ......) WSL / WSDL, LAMP, PHP / MYSQL, Symfony, CakePHP, Struts, Hibernate, JavaScript, YUI, Tomcat, MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, X-Cart, OS-Commerce, WordPress, Facebook and Frameworks development platforms.? ......AMP, PHP / MYSQL, Symfony, CakePHP, Struts, Hibernate, JavaScript, YUI, Tomcat, MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, X-Cart, OS-Commerce, WordPress, Facebook and Frameworks development platforms.? ......hone Mobile Apps Development (iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android, Symbian) WSL / WSDL, LAMP, PHP / MYSQL, Symfony, CakePHP, Struts, Hibernate, JavaScript, YUI, Tomcat, MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, X-Cart,...
Classé : 33 859ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( ACCESS FONCTION UTILISATEUR SQL ) : ...isual Basic 6.0,VB.net,C++,Java,C,C#,PHP,JSP,ASP,Pro grammation Shell,AwkBase de Donn?es: Oracle,Ms SQLServer2000,MySQL,Access,PostGreSQLSys t?mes d'exploitation: Linux(Mandrake, Ubuntu,RedHat,De......VB.net,C++,Java,C,C#,PHP,JSP,ASP,Pro grammation Shell,AwkBase de Donn?es: Oracle,Ms SQLServer2000,MySQL,Access,PostGreSQLSys t?mes d'exploitation: Linux(Mandrake, Ubuntu,RedHat,Debian),Unix(SCO,S......C#,PHP,JSP,ASP,Pro grammation Shell,AwkBase de Donn?es: Oracle,Ms SQLServer2000,MySQL,Access,PostGreSQLSys t?mes d'exploitation: Linux(Mandrake, Ubuntu,RedHat,Debian),Unix(SCO,Solaris), Microsoft...