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Liste de prestataires experts sur ProgOnline

Dernière fois en ligne : 18/03/2010

Classé : 39 557ème dans le classement général

Type de profil : autre

Compétences : java, c c plus plus objectivec, brew, c sharp, python and other scripting languages

Extrait de son profil : ... 5 2006 – 11 2008 position BREW programmer company ama buchares...... bucharest romania developed mobile applications in BREW( binary runtime environment for wireless ) on cdma networks according to design specificati......e python scripting language available on symbian platforms. researched 3d possibilities on BREW platforms benchmarking the devices into new families that would reduce the costs and time of d......and work flow ideas. developed mobile applications in trigml( an xml based programming for BREW devices) commercial projects i've worked on: ...