Classé : 8 518ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( YUI JAVASCRIPT ) : ...lash - Photoshop - PhotoImpact - Kylix (C++ sous Linux) - C# Builder, DOM Internet, ADO, VBA, PHP, JAVASCRIPT 1998 - 2001 D?veloppeur Windows & Webmaster - Webformance, Paris Conception......ncement. Environnement technique : C++, Visual Basic, ADO, Excel, Publisher, Access, VBA, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, Perl, Java, Microcontr?leur PLM 51 1998 - 1999 D?veloppeur - Webformance, N......e r?f?rencement. Environnement technique : C++, Visual Basic, ADO, Excel, Publisher, Access, VBA, JAVASCRIPT, Perl, Java, HTTP, JAVASCRIPT, CGI 1997 D?veloppeur Windows - COMSEC / Webform...... technique : C++, Visual Basic, ADO, Excel, Publisher, Access, VBA, JAVASCRIPT, Perl, Java, HTTP, JAVASCRIPT, CGI 1997 D?veloppeur Windows - COMSEC / Webformance Conception et r?alisatio...
Classé : 23 097ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( YUI JAVASCRIPT ) : ...rgers) are about to be released.Technologies, tasks, and skills : Web design, Front-end, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, Jquery, Back-end, PHP, My SQL, Zend Framework, MVCURL : soon to be released Manageme......ent interface for vehicle hirer.Technologies, tasks, and skills : Web design, Front-end, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQuery, MooTools, Back-end, PHP, MySQL, MVC, CMS, Joomla ACI Environnement websiteF...... on the population.Technologies, tasks, and skills : Logo Design, Web design, Front-end, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQuery, Back-end, PHPURL : http://www.aci-environnement.fr/ Sportswear E-ShopFrom 0......e brand.Technologies, tasks, and skills : Flyers, Business cards, Web design, Front-end, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQuery, Back-end, Payment system, PHP, MySQL, MVC, Zend Framework, Paypal, EcommerceURL ...