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Extrait de son profil ( TOP MOT CLE 2008 GOOGLE ) : ...3GS, 4 & 4S, BlackBerry PlayBook, Google Nexus, Nexus S, HTC Desire, HTC Droid Incredible, HTC Evo, MOTorola Droid, Droid 2, Droid Pro, Droid X, MOTorola XOOM, Samsung Captivate, Epic, Fascinate, Gala......s, Nexus S, HTC Desire, HTC Droid Incredible, HTC Evo, MOTorola Droid, Droid 2, Droid Pro, Droid X, MOTorola XOOM, Samsung Captivate, Epic, Fascinate, Galaxy Tab, Vibrant ) Based on Flashbuilder and F......ne, SEO (Referancement), Flash xml sites, Sites Redesign, And More ...??.:: MEDIA, ANIMATION, VFX & MOTIONS ::.?MULTIMEDIA (Video skills) : Compositing, Montage & Import / Export, MOTion GFX & VFX, Pa......A, ANIMATION, VFX & MOTIONS ::.?MULTIMEDIA (Video skills) : Compositing, Montage & Import / Export, MOTion GFX & VFX, Particles, Tracking, 2d To 3d Evironements, Professional use of After Effects And ...