Classé : 23 086ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( TARIF DEVELOPPEUR PHP MYSQL ) : ...d.Technologies, tasks, and skills : Web design, Front-end, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, Back-end, PHP, My SQL, Zend Framework, MVCURL : soon to be released Management interface for a french insu......gies, tasks, and skills : Web design, Front-end, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, MooTools, Back-end, PHP, MySQL, MVC, CMS, Joomla ACI Environnement websiteFrom 08/2010 to 08/2011For : ACI Environn......s, tasks, and skills : Logo Design, Web design, Front-end, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Back-end, PHPURL : http://www.aci-environnement.fr/ Sportswear E-ShopFrom 08/2010 to 03/2011For : Club Ho......rs, Business cards, Web design, Front-end, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Back-end, Payment system, PHP, MySQL, MVC, Zend Framework, Paypal, EcommerceURL : http://www.club-house-wear.com p { ...
Classé : 16 987ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( TARIF DEVELOPPEUR PHP MYSQL ) : ...w.imbt.frwww.ousseynousall.f rwww.activr.frwww.jandeltd.comwww.mediab oxes.com LANGAGE: C, C++, Vb, PHP, JAVA, ASP, HTML, XML, CSS, SQL, mysql, SQL, ORACLE, python.SGBDR: Mysqldump, PHPmyadmin, ODBC, ......GAGE: C, C++, Vb, PHP, JAVA, ASP, HTML, XML, CSS, SQL, mysql, SQL, ORACLE, python.SGBDR: Mysqldump, PHPmyadmin, ODBC, SYBASE.Syst?me d’exploitation: LINUX, Mac OS X, Unix, Windows, Korn shell, b......Windows, Korn shell, bash, DOS, DARWIN.SERVEUR: Windows 2003 Server / IIS / LAMP / WAMP / MAMP, easyPHP, EXCHANGE, IAS, KERBEROS.WYSIWYG: DREAMWEAVER CS3, flashCS3, SWISHMAX. CMS: PHPBB, PHPNUKE, JOOM...... / WAMP / MAMP, easyPHP, EXCHANGE, IAS, KERBEROS.WYSIWYG: DREAMWEAVER CS3, flashCS3, SWISHMAX. CMS: PHPBB, PHPNUKE, JOOMLA, SPIP, ZEND, NOHETO.Protocole (du LAN au WAN):TCP/IP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, ...