Classé : 47 344ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( RECHERCHE GRAPHISTE POUR CREATION WEB CSS ) : ... WEBsites developed by us -www.numbersbee.comwww.macrosynth.comwww .joinagame.comwww.runjersey.com?~ ......bsites developed by us -www.numbersbee.comwww.macrosynth.comwww .joinagame.comwww.runjersey.com?~ ~ WEB Application platform - ASP.NET, C + +, Java, JavaScript, Scala, Perl, PHP and Python.~ Mobile Ap......and SilverLight?~ Java - Swing, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, JSF, EJB, JBoss Portal, Lucene, IBM WEBSphere, Tomcat, Google WEB Toolkit, and ZK.~ ~ PHP - CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Joomla, Symfony, Yii, ......wing, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, JSF, EJB, JBoss Portal, Lucene, IBM WEBSphere, Tomcat, Google WEB Toolkit, and ZK.~ ~ PHP - CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Joomla, Symfony, Yii, Zend, Wordpress & Joomla. ...
Classé : 30 868ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( RECHERCHE GRAPHISTE POUR CREATION WEB CSS ) : ... Mobile Application Development (iPhone, iPAD, Android, Windows, PhoneGap) WEBsite Design (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, HTML5, CSS3, MoovWEB) WEBsite Development (Magento, ...... iPAD, Android, Windows, PhoneGap) WEBsite Design (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, HTML5, CSS3, MoovWEB) WEBsite Development (Magento, ROR, Drupal, PHP, Codeigniter, WordPress, Python, Django, CakePH...... Android, Windows, PhoneGap) WEBsite Design (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, HTML5, CSS3, MoovWEB) WEBsite Development (Magento, ROR, Drupal, PHP, Codeigniter, WordPress, Python, Django, CakePHP, Zen......racle and more) Designing and developing quality, scalable .NET based applications Development of WEB services using .NET framework, SOAP Application Modernization for legacy systems to .NET based ...