Classé : 39 278ème dans le classement général
Dernière fois en ligne : 09/05/2010
Extrait de son profil ( IP ) : ... Realisation of functional and technical evolutions of the middleware (authentication-bypass and cIPher-less modes for the benchmarking, security logs function...) Keywords TUXEDO, DCE, GSSAPI,......tion Tests, Reverse Engineering, Exploitation, Risk Analysis. J2EE and Open-source Frameworks, EclIPse, WSAD, RAD, C++, C, LISP, XML, HTTP, AJAX, JavaScrIPt, JavaScrIPt server-side (GWT), ASP.NET, A......lysis. J2EE and Open-source Frameworks, EclIPse, WSAD, RAD, C++, C, LISP, XML, HTTP, AJAX, JavaScrIPt, JavaScrIPt server-side (GWT), ASP.NET, Assembler, SVN Software architecture (n-tiers, distrib......E and Open-source Frameworks, EclIPse, WSAD, RAD, C++, C, LISP, XML, HTTP, AJAX, JavaScrIPt, JavaScrIPt server-side (GWT), ASP.NET, Assembler, SVN Software architecture (n-tiers, distributed), SOA, ... |