Classé : 28 462ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( EJB SWING ) : ...for the development team (7 people) IBM RAD 6, IBM WebSphere 5.1, WebLogic 8.2, Sybase 12, Cocoon, EJB 2, Advisor 1.30, Ms Project, Axure RapidPrototyping, ActivCard, BountyCastle security, Ms Ac......Sphere Portal Server 5.2, Oracle 9i, IBM DB2 8.2, JACL/TCL script, IBM WebSphere EDGE components, EJB 2, J2EE, IBM WSAD 5.1, IBM OS/390, SUN SOLARIS 8 > Senior Consultant – J2EE Integration ......low and business rules 4) Develop the PortalJ2EE, Struts 1.1, JSTL, Borland Enterprise Server 5.2, EJB 2,JBuilder 9, APIM 5.0, SUN Solaris 8 > Senior Consultant – J2EE Developer - Architect B......SWING, SWTs: Graph2d/3d, JavaMail, Xerces, Xalan,Saxon, Catalina, Servlet API, Portlet API, Castor, EJB 3, BSF, Apache commons, Apache Velocity, ANT 1.6, Maven, Mylin? Language HTML, VRML 2, Javascrip...