Classé : 42 358ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( EBOOK PHP 5 26 MYSQL 5 CREEZ VOTRE SITE WEB DYNAMIQUE DE A A Z ) : ...at, SalesForce, Google Map, Quickblox, Trello, Asana etc. Also I have a good team for iOS, Android, PHP, Java, WordPress, Magento, HTML, and Design. ...... Area of Expertise * Mobile (Android, iOS App(iPhone, iPad) , PhoneGap, iOnic) PHP (Laravel, WordPress, Magento, Prestashop, CodeIgniter, YII, CakePHP, Joomal, Drupal, OpenCart) a......hone, iPad) , PhoneGap, iOnic) PHP (Laravel, WordPress, Magento, Prestashop, CodeIgniter, YII, CakePHP, Joomal, Drupal, OpenCart) and Java Database (MySQL, MongoDB, MsSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL) Othe...
Classé : 44 613ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( EBOOK PHP 5 26 MYSQL 5 CREEZ VOTRE SITE WEB DYNAMIQUE DE A A Z ) : ... team of developpers\nSKILLS:?CMS: joomla, wordpress, drupal, magentoFrameworks: Zend, Symfony, CakePHP, CodeIgnaterSpecific development: PHP, html, css, jquery, js, design.\nSpecial JOOMLA&WORDPRESS ......mla, wordpress, drupal, magentoFrameworks: Zend, Symfony, CakePHP, CodeIgnaterSpecific development: PHP, html, css, jquery, js, design.\nSpecial JOOMLA&WORDPRESS PREMIUM MARKET:ALL PRO packages, compo......RO team of developpersSKILLS:?CMS: joomla, wordpress, drupal, magentoFrameworks: Zend, Symfony, CakePHP, CodeIgnaterSpecific development: PHP, html, css, jquery, js, design.Special JOOMLA&WORDPRESS PR......mla, wordpress, drupal, magentoFrameworks: Zend, Symfony, CakePHP, CodeIgnaterSpecific development: PHP, html, css, jquery, js, design.Special JOOMLA&WORDPRESS PREMIUM MARKET:ALL PRO packages, compone...