Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :
DBA Oracle Puy-de-Dôme, France English speaking

One of our Blue Chip Clients is urgently looking for an Oracle DBA.

Please find some details below:

Performing the database architecture detail feasibility study for new application development projects.
▪ Providing a technical and functional support related to database management system to the client project team and preparing the Technical design document.
▪ Performing the design and implementation of Oracle, MySQL and PostGre databases (Data Model, scripts, tests et support) and providing a detailed installation documentation and administration guide.
▪ Performing architecture, performance, configuration and design audits on existing applications database

Please send CV for full details and immediate interviews. We are a preferred supplier to the client.

(Oracle DBA)


  • NB : Rappeler la référence suivante pour cette mission :  ORACLE_DBA_PUY_224
  • Le client: est une SSII spécialisée dans le placement des ressources humaines.
  • Durée indicative: 14 mois +
  • Tarif journalier indicatif: 400 €
  • Type de mission: Freelance en régie
  • Démarrage: asap
  • Lieu: Puy de dome



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