Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :
The goal of the project is to port a static HTML site into SharePoint (WSS) technology, and to add few dynamic contain (news), a basic CMS (modification of HTML articles), forms (contact us, ask for information, register for an event), and a groupware sub-site.The static site can be consulted at is having 11 pages. Access is anonymous.The look and feel has to be preserved.“News” should links to a page presenting news as we can see in any site.In news, we can have events. Visitors can register for the event, and arrive on a page which presents a form and stores the request in a WSS list. Some fields are mandatory.A page “Contact us” should be added which presents a form and stores the request in a WSS list. Some fields are mandatory.A page “Ask for information” should be added which presents a form and stores the request in a WSS list. Some fields are mandatory.The administrators or members should have the ability to ask for notification on these lists.Member access should log the user on WSS and gives access to the groupware sub-site. This sub-site is, at this time, the default WSS collaborative site with a look and feel near the one of the public site.If the user is an administrator, he should also have the ability to administer lists, pages, and so on.A first tentative of port has been done and can be a starting point for developments (Lists, skin, ...)This is a first project, and some other WSS developments will come later.   The supplier will have to justify of a good knowledge of WSS, based on successful experiences.

Nature du projet : Ce projet est un projet concret, et une réalisation certaine


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