E-borlette is Authorized by the lottery of the Haitian State ( LEH), Registered by Haitian Ministry of the Economy and Finance, (DGI) license number 11707027587 and tax number 000-758-298-1. Owner: Claude PAYEN
§ 2. Contact: E-borlette Head office is established in Jacmel,Haiti, 98 Barranquilla Avenue, HT9110, Tél:, Whatsapp: , Website: www.e-borlette.com, E-mail:
§ 3. Services: E-Borlette is approved as a business marketing gambling and specializes in sale of borlette numbers and sports betting. Specifically, E-borlette allows players to bet on their favorite numbers and their favorite sports online and in the points of sale. We are looking for a developer to set up our lottery machine printer server just one short contract. we re looking for long term convention if set up server for machine is good. please see the php code and HttpC communication protocol as i cannot uplod files
){ $getapp=$json->{'action'}; if($getapp == "lotto"){ $type=$json->{'type'}; $outStr="%%"; $ticketNo="A001"; $time="%%\\\\M2019-11-26 9:30:00%%"; $amt=0; foreach($json->{'items'} as $v){ $outStr .= " ".$v->{'num'}." \\\\M: \\\\R".$v->{'amount'}."%%"; $amt+=$v->{'amount'}; } if(isset($json->{'dspid'})){ $ok="#!*P*\\\\M\\\\2Ticket NO:".$ticketNo."%%\\\\M\\\\2".$type.$time. "\\\\0MumšŠro \\\\M: \\\\RMontant" . $outStr ."Montant total:\\\\R".$amt; } else{ $ok="#!*d*Please confirm:%%" . $type . $outStr ."Montant total:".$amt. "|id1"; } } else if($getapp == "simple_bet"){ $type=$json->{'type'}; $outStr="%%"; $time="%%\\\\M2019-11-26 9:31:26%%"; $ticketNo="A002"; $amt=0; if(isset($json->{'dspid'})){ foreach($json->{'items'} as $v){ $outStr .=" ". $v->{'team1'}."\\\\M".$v->{'team2'}."\\\\R\\\\0Amout: ".$v->{'amount'}."%%"; $amt+=$v->{'amount'}; } $ok="#!*P*\\\\M\\\\2".$type.$time."%%\\\\0team1\\\\Mteam2" . $outStr."\\\\0Montant total:\\\\R".$amt;; } else{ foreach($json->{'items'} as $v){ $outStr .=" ". $v->{'team1'}.":".$v->{'team2'}."-Amout: ".$v->{'amount'}."%%"; $amt+=$v->{'amount'}; } $ok="#!*d*Please confirm:%%". $type.$time ."team1:team2" . $outStr."Montant total:".$amt."|id1"; } } else if($getapp == "combined_bet7"){ $time="\\\\M2019-12-01 9:32:54%%"; $outStr ="1.team1:team2 - ".$json->{'match1'}."%%2.team3:team4 - ".$json->{'match2'}."%%3.team5:team6 - ".$json->{'match3'}."%%4.team7:team8 - ".$json->{'match4'}."%%5.team9:team10 - ".$json->{'match5'}."%%6.team11:team12 - ".$json->{'match6'}."%%7.team13:team14 - ".$json->{'match7'}."%%Montant:".$json->{'amount'}; $ok="#!*P*\\\\MCombined bet 7 of Test%%".$time. $outStr; } else if($getapp == "combined_bet14"){ $time="\\\\M2019-12-01 9:32:55%%"; $outStr ="1.team1:team2 - ".$json->{'match1'}."%%2.team3:team4 - ".$json->{'match2'}."%%3.team5:team6 - ".$json->{'match3'}."%%4.team7:team8 - ".$json->{'match4'}."%%5.team9:team10 - ".$json->{'match5'}."%%6.team11:team12 - ".$json->{'match6'}."%%7.team13:team14 - ".$json->{'match7'}."%%8.team15:team16 - ".$json->{'match8'}."%%9.team17:team18 - ".$json->{'match9'}."%%10.team19:team20 - ".$json->{'match10'}."%%11.team21:team22 - ".$json->{'match11'}."%%12.team23:team24 - ".$json->{'match12'}."%%13.team25:team26 - ".$json->{'match13'}."%%14.team27:team28 - ".$json->{'match14'}."%%Montant:".$json->{'amount'}; $ok="#!*P*\\\\MCombined bet 14 of Test%%".$time. $outStr; } } else { $ok="#!*D*ERROR2!"; } echo $ok; ?>
- Le client: est une entreprise spécialisée dans le domaine des jeux de loterie
- Durée indicative: environ 2 jours
- Tarif journalier indicatif: 500 €
- Type de mission: Freelance en télétravail