Profil du prestataire christones

Informations générales sur le prestataire christones

Nickname : christones
Type de structure : auto-entrepreneur
Date inscription : 06/06/2012
Dernière fois en ligne : 31/07/2019
Classement : classé 17 655ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire christones

Domaines de compétence


-   Consultant en administration serveur (Further Market SA)

-   Ingenieur de conception informatique (University of Madras, India)

-   Gestionnaire de projet et chef d'entreprise

-   Programmeur web et mathematicien analyste

Expérience professionnelle

Professional Experience

I.                   Since February 2019 : Servers Admin, Developer   FURTHER MARKET


-  Servers administrator (Nginx, RTMP module coupling, Passenger module, Apache)

-  Hybrid programming (Apache Cordova)

-  Delphi programming and applets creation with customized API (FM script)

II.                  From July 2016 – December 2017 : Java Developer   NJORKU LTD


-  Lucene API for search engine - kafka server - solR server


-  Writing of producers and consumers on cluster kafka


-  Writing several robots via jsoup and torunski crawler



III.             February 2014 - August 2014: Developer MADIA GROUPE SARL


- Needs analysis (terms of reference)

- Algorithms and specification

- PHP programming language and MySQL database

- CMS: Joomla 2.5

- Conversion of HTML templates to Joomla-enabled templates

- Extensions, modules and development component


IV.             July 2013 - January 2014: Web Master - GDA SA AND ASSOCIATES



- Management of the IT department



- Teaching the basics of computer science for recruits



- PHP programming language and MySQL database



- CMS: Joomla 3.1


V.                Since 2017 Founder and CEO at EPSILON CORPORATION


-                      Marketing and adverts making

-                      Freelance web development

-                      Mobile programming


VI.              April 2012 - October 2012: Technician - The Regional of EPARGNE AND CREDIT SA microfinance institution.


-  Software engineering


-  Network administration and maintenance


-  Control and configuration of L1, L2 and L3 equipment


-  Registration in the accounts and signatures of the client database server through the "Delta Informatique" ERP.

-  Logical implementation of the cash dispenser via the "Magix" administration interface


Clients' Projects 


  My java repositories:


  Programming of the website of the companies  TIBESTSOLUTIONS ; SAS SUR SECURITY and  BATRATEL


  Programming of the BIOMEDICAM laboratory site


  Programming of the ENSTP school website


  Programming of the MILLENIUM IMMOBILIER website




   J2EE development of an application allowing university registration (University of Yaoundé 1) using a motor SMS and telephone inquiries USD-Framework: Struts


- Model: an EJB module with JPA persistence and a PostgreSQL database.


-  CONTROLLER: Struts single servlet with its proposed actions identified in the strutsconfig.xml


-  View: The JSP (Java server page).


  Analysis and Design in Java SE and J2EE of the inventory management software named

"LOGIREG" (La Régionale SA)


o   Feasibility study


o   Study of the existing (SI)


o   Implementation of use cases


o   Refinement of the analysis phase through the RUP method


o   The installation diagrams of the participating classes and of collaboration


o   Installing the Oracle 10g Database


-    Project Update with J2EE MVC Perspective in NetBeans IDE 7.3.1


-  Model: EJB module entities with database beans and session beans using the Hibernate framework for persistence classes in the database.


-  View: Web pages JSF (Java Server side) contained in the web client module of the enterprise application, while integrating the library PRIMEFACES the equivalent of the Jquery of PHP.


-  Controller: classes called "managed beans" in the client module whose role is to manage the use of proposed forms by importing the appropriate EJB per action, allowing the definition of user sessions and the verification of Authentication.




-  2014 - 2016 - MscIT from the University of Madras, Chennai-India - via the Pan African E-learning project


-  2014 - Training in Jahia Digital Factory Version 7: CMS Java-Apache Tomcat-webinar organized in Washington DC - Madia.


-  2013 - Master 1 L4 fundamental IT - University of Yaoundé1.


-  2013 - Training in Facilitation and Entrepreneurship - Fondation Emmanuel.


-  2012 - Training in Oracle Enterprise 10g and 11g Express Edition - The regional SA.


-  2011 - BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Buea.


-  2010 - Maintenance training, networks and services Windows - Yde pilot center.


-  2007 - School of Music - theory of music, instruments and software fruity loops -Alamba Academy of Music.


-  2006 - Introduction to web programming - Afro vision Buea.


-  2003 - Baccalauréat C - College of the Sacred Heart of Makak.

Projets réalisés par christones

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