Profil du prestataire s.piazza

Informations générales sur le prestataire s.piazza

Nickname : s.piazza
Type de structure : travailleur occasionnel
Date inscription : 09/05/2011
Dernière fois en ligne : 03/02/2015
Classement : classé 45 818ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire s.piazza

Domaines de compétence


  • Windev
  • Visual Basic 
  • VBA
  • ASP/PHP/Javascript


 + Functional Knowledge:

PLM: Windchill 9.1 (ECM/Part&BOM/CAD Integration...)



Expérience professionnelle

PLM Domain Functional Manager – AREVA T&D – PDM Program


Since 06/2007


On an international environment: (Turkey/Germany/England/Brazil …):

·  Responsible for functional domains in relation with Product Lifecycle Management (Workshops, as-is process analysis, requirement study and formalisation and improvement proposal).

·  Support 4 Product Lines from the definition to the roll-out and ensure that the quality procedures are applied.

·  Define planning and budget according to the PL & Program Strategy

·  Relation with Executive when requested by the Program Manager

·  Technology: Windchill 9.1 from PTC (PDMLink / PartsLink / ProjectLink …)



Competence Center Manager – AREVA T&D – IST Organisation


From 11/2001

To 05/2007

·  In charge to set-up and manage a Competence Center for PDM & Configurator Solutions

·  Select and manage a team made of Project Leaders & Technical resources

·  Build budget and planning in accordance to business requirements and constraints.

·  Propose continuous organizational improvement to improve business satisfaction on delivery.

·  Follow the evolution and training of the team resources, including individual target fixing and control.

·  Configurator used within 3 Product Lines + Sales channem

·  PDM deployed within 28 countries with regular Management contact with local entity (China/India/Canada/England/Germany…) + Business executives.



MBA option MAE (Management et Administration des Entreprises - ex DESS CaaE) – (3ème cycle)

Lyon (69)


“Formation Continue” during 2 years

Strategy, Logistic, Project Management et Risk Management

Finance overview and controlling

Economy, Social and Working Law study

Financial mathematic, statistics



DU Multimédia – Databases – Network(Bac+4)

Nice (06)


Windows 95/98/NT4 – Unix


C/C++, VBA, SQL, HTML, HTX/IDC, JavaScript, Lingo, CGI (Perl)


Suite Office, PowerBuilder, Project, Photoshop, Macromedia Director


Oracle, SQL Server


MCP NT-Workstation 4.0 certification , training on MCB NT-Server 4.0 and SQL Server


Project Management (GANTT, PERT)+analysis method, controlling. English, Communication, Mathematic, Statistics

Projets réalisés par s.piazza

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