Profil du prestataire nccomputing

Informations générales sur le prestataire nccomputing

Nickname : nccomputing
Type de structure : freelance qualifié
Date inscription : 04/12/2015
Dernière fois en ligne : 01/03/2022
Classement : classé 9 606ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire nccomputing

Domaines de compétence

Développement applications mobiles

Applications 3D professionnelle - Réalité virtuelle

Applications PC/MAC Multimédia

Backend : développements de serveurs, BDD

Streaming Vidéo


Expérience professionnelle

Freelance Software Engineer

Company Name

NC Coding

Dates Employed Mar 2018 – Present

Employment Duration 2 yrs 7 mos

Location Callian, France

Expert Indépendant en développement Informatique : Front-End, Back-End, Mobile, 3D, Vidéo

  • Software Engineer

    Company Name

    Crédit Mutuel

    Dates Employed May 2010 – Feb 2018

    Employment Duration 7 yrs 10 mos

    Location Cagnes sur mer, France

    Swing-WS is a Research and Development company which is making the Home Alarm System sold by the biggest Home Alarm Company of France : EPS (more than 300 000 subscribers).
    During this period of time, their main goal was to integrate a new device into their Alarm System: IP Cameras. I was already working for them via the Services Company ‘Sogeti High Tech’, but they decided to hire me directly without intermediary, to work permanently for them.
    Our main work was to design and implement a multi-core Camera server to manage ip cameras connections and a streaming server to enable subscribers to make streaming on their cameras via Smart Phone. All this work had to be integrated in the existing alarm System without disturbing anything (Installation Software, Process, Alarm event, Web Services, etc…). Writing documentations was an important part of the job to enable others teams (website dev) to call our server.
    This Work is now finished and we are actually working on new device which is called “Video Access Point”. It’s a small computer installed at subscriber’s home or office, which record 24/24 7/7 the video coming from cameras. Our work was to find a PC Hardware which is able to do that with minimal cost and to make the software running on it. All of this had to be integrated to the previous video service to access cameras connected to Video Access point like standard cameras.

    Current job : Motion Detection in video files recorded by the Video Access Point to generate a xml file with dates of motion. This xml file will be used by the video web player to jump directly to the times where motions are. This work is made with C++ and the Computer Vision API : OpenCV.

    Language: JAVA, C++
    API, Framework: OpenCV, OSGI, KARAF, Tomcat, JSP, Servlet, Hibernate, RMI
    Protocols: HTTP, RTSP, RTMP, Flash HTTP
    Smartphone: Windows Phone, Iphone, Android Phone
    Video Tools: Wowza Media Server, Red5, FFMPEG, VLC
    Ip Cameras: Panasonic, Axis
    Databases: Oracle, MySQL

  • Etudes

    Ecole Supérieure en Sciences Informatiques (Sophia-Antipolis)

    Degree Name Master 2

    Field Of Study Computer Science

    Dates attended or expected graduation 2005 – 2006

    Activities and Societies: . - 3D Image Synthesis : Java/Java3D - Image Treatment and Analyzes : Matlab - Sound image networks and compression : DirectX - Design of multimedia applications and 3D realistic animations : Maya, Flash , Director - Man Machine Interface : C#

    formerly known as ESSI and newly called "école Polytechnique Universitaire de Nice-Sophia Antipolis"

    a one year specialized postgraduate degree in the 3D domain

    Grade : « Bien » = « passed with high honors »,

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