Profil du prestataire marian2104

Informations générales sur le prestataire marian2104

Nickname : marian2104
Date inscription : 14/09/2007
Dernière fois en ligne : 04/09/2019
Classement : classé 29 197ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire marian2104

Domaines de compétence
                                                Project Analyze                                    UML:Rational Rose, Visio;Database design:Power Designer;                                                Version Management                                    Source Safe (5 yrs)                                                Programming                                    VS.NET 2003,VS.NET 2005: C#, VB.NET:OOP,.NET Framework, Window Forms, ADO.NET (5yrs);ASP.NET, Web Services,VB Script, Java Script, HTML, CSS (5yrs)Visual Studio 6 : Visual Basic 6.0, OOP (5yrs)Delphi: OOP (3 yrs)                                                RDBMS                                    Oracle 9i /10g:Database Architecture, stored procedures, sql commands (PL/SQL)SQL Server :Database Architecture and server administration, SQL Language (sql command, stored procedures, triggers, etc);                                                 Transferring Data                                    XML, XSD, XSL, XSLT (3 yrs)                                                Reports                                    Crystal Reports (5 yrs)Reporting Services (2 yrs);                                                Macromedia                                    Flash MX (2yrs): Flash animations, Action Script Language, Flash Remoting Technology and WEB Services


Expérience professionnelle
Medical System for Medical Laboratories                                    Integrated System for management of activity from medical laboratory. Technology:C# and SQL Server                                                HL7 Communication                                    Made to transmit the messages between two integrated systems. From this module the dates are transmitted to 2 clinics which have implemented their own systems.Technologies used: C#, TCP/IP;                                                HL7 Comunication between PSM and other systems                                    HL7 communication between PSM (Process System Manager-Roche) and our medical system. This communication use TCP/IP protocol to transmit/receive HL7 messages and consists of two main modules, one module is HL7 communicator which have the role to transmit/receive HL7 messages on TCP/IP and the second module is a message parser module which reads and writes the messages. Also I developed interface with our integrated system. This interface allows to import data sended through HL7 communicator into our integrated system.                                                Web Appointment Book System                                    Web application made for the registering of the doctor programming in the different clinics.Technology: ASP .NET,C#;                                                 SFA (Sales Force Automation)                                    It's an application destinated to the sales agents from pharmacy field. This application allows to makes orders online or offline from distance and it's based on reservation of stocks.Technology:C#, SQL Server                                                eOrda                                    Web application for copyright evidence of all romanian companies. The system provides support for entire activity of Romanian Copyright Office. See:;Technology: ASP.NET, SQL Server;                                                 Street Sales System                                    3-tier application, data import module, reports. Manage the entire activity from distribution system. Technology: C#, Oracle.                                                Admin Assistant                                    IT resources management program. Client-server application, 3 tiers. See;Technology: VB.NET+SQL Server 2000.                                                 Flexible Enterprise                                    Program for software projects management .Technology: VB.NET, WEB services, SQL Server 2000;                                                Auto Catalog                                    This application permits consulting all components for a car. You will be able to see drawings of car components and information about selected components. Designed for car dealers and manufacturers, personnel needing training and technical support. Facilities: Fast view of spare parts and information about these. See;Technology: Visual Basic, SQL Server, Macromedia Flash MX.                                                 Expert Guide                                    Program destined for personnel needing training. Allows visualization of all assembly phases. Each phase has an animation with technical details. See;Technology used for Windows version: VB.NET + Access + Flash MX. Technology used for WEB Version: Flash MX + Action Script + Flash Remoting + Access.                                                 Business Opportunities                                    Intranet application on three tiers. Designed for the Commerce Rooms. Permits to edit all opportunities for companies and show these on the site. Facilities relations between companies. See;Technology: VB 6.0+SQL Server.                                                 Expert Business                                    The application is an integrated system of the stock control and accountancy made in principal for the companies with trade activities. This application is a client-server application developed in 3-tire architecture in Delphi and SQL Server 7. My tasks in this project were to analyze the project, to develop the data base architecture and to programming the different modules of the application. The modules of the application were: the module of the dictionary, module of stocks, module of accountancy, module of reports and the module of administration of the application.The dictionary module permits to edit the dictionary like the dictionary of stocks, value added tax cote, employers and other. The administration module: permits the introduction of the roles and users. The access to the application was made on the account right made individual for each user in terms of their position in the company. The stock control module permits the editing of the document with the goods come and goes from the stocks of the company. For example: reception notes, consumer goods, transfer notes, invoices. The accountant module permits to edit and to visualize the accountant documents like the accountant note the accountancy reports, house registry, accountant balance, bank registry. The report module permits to see the reports of the application in graphic mode (quick report) or in text mode. See ;                                                Museum Evidence                                    Application for Artifacts Evidence in Art Museum. This application permitted the introduction of the description dates for the products, inventory dates and the picture of the product. Also, the application was permitted to find quickly a product using different filters from the database and was made for the History Museum from Ploiesti city. This application was made in Delphi 5 with the database in Paradox his purpose was to keep the evidence for the history museum patrimony this means to keep the evidence of the different art objects, paintings, books, statuette and other articles. Technology: Delphi + Paradox.                                                Internet Café Evidence                                    Application for Café Internet, client's evidence, discounts, reservations. The application scope was the administration of the resources from the internet café companies; it permits the registration of the membership people, the registration of their ID, the repartition of those on the available PCs, making the reservations, discounts, and the evidence of the daily accounts. Also the application permits the access to the client stations and gives the rapports in real time of the effective time in which the client station was busy. The application access was made using users accounts and keep the history of the made operations. Technology: Delphi 5.0 + Paradox.                                                 Hotel Evidence                                    This software contains modules for various aspects of hotel management like the evidence of the customers, room repartition, room reservations, payments, table reservations and food tickets. Also, the application keeps the restaurant;Technology: Delphi + Paradox
Education                1994     Polytechnic University             Bucharest                                                Engineering and Management of Technological Systems                  1989     "Mihai Viteazul" High School  Ploiesti                                                Mathematics and PhysicsCourses                                                1998     Accounting Course, MEDIAX SRL, Ploiesti                                                 2006     IT Project Management, Hellenic America Union & Business Management Consultants, Athena                                                Certificate of Achievement In Recognition of Professional Achievement by Successful Completion of " The Art of Project Management for IT/IS Projects"                                                 2007     Team Leading, Accelera, Bucharest                                                Communication Course

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