Profil du prestataire jibrils

Informations générales sur le prestataire jibrils

Nickname : jibrils
Type de structure : travailleur occasionnel
Date inscription : 21/04/2010
Dernière fois en ligne : 19/05/2014
Classement : classé 32 359ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire jibrils

Domaines de compétence

Sale, Management, IT banking, finances, Computer Science, e-learning, Marketing






Microsoft Office Suite






Programming languages &  Web Development Tools




JAVA & JAVA Servlets




VB Script, VB.NET




C, C++, C#.NET




Visual C






Windows. Net - Win32 API - COM / DCOM, ActiveX, OLE - J2EE, EJB, RMI, CORBA - MAPI, TAPI, SAPI TCP / IP, Sockets XML / XSL, XML Schema, XSD, XHTML, XPATH, SOAP, XML-RPC, WSDL, UDDI - Liferay - Portal-Struts-Hibernate Spring Framework - Ajax - Wireless / Mobile Technology - J2ME - WAP / WML / WML Script Databases / RDBMS MS SQL Server - Oracle (PL / SQL) - MySql - Microsoft Access



Operating System / Platforms


Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/  XP / 2000 - Microsoft Windows 2003 Server - Linux

Collaborative platforms, social  media



Social Network strategy


Social Media






IT banking, finance








Expérience professionnelle



 Professional Summary



Fields:  ICT / Software / Application Development & Management / Management / Education /Environment / Sustainable Development / Project Management


I have a very strong Recruitment & Sales background spanning 15yrs. I have a very strong aptitude with people and thrive on fast paced environments and over achieving targets


I received education training as a senior in Computer Science and indicametry (science of Indicative Science for Development)  - Scientific studies and experience that I think confirmed the work locally and internationally. I worked in those fields.

I want to foster the approach to development through the creation of sustainable enterprises friendly environment and other cross- cutting aspects, namely the type and institutional strengthening component linked to the living environment - socio-cultural, educational and educational, health - should be considered essential in the dynamic implementation.

I am particularly familiar with the project management cycle and managing for results. I was also regularly involved in formulating and implementing action plans and Budgets, this participatory manner. To achieve these objectives and this in the context of a sound, I develop useful relationships with various national and international and local institutions. I have held positions of increasing responsibility. My duties are always both technical devoted to the management and administration actions-life participatory programming. They include a good understanding of the overall context within which projects / programs, to create synergies between partners and authorities. I have experience in program management and project. This experience in various projects, I have a proven ability in preparation and program management.

My experience training with me on specific qualities of experience sharing and transfer of skills.

Finally, I think have the human qualities to integrate into any multicultural workplace and multidisciplinary


Industry Experience

§  Computer Science > software development > 7 years six months

§  ICT > e-learning management > 5 years 9 months

§  Financial IT banking > 02 years 4 months

§  Sales  & Marketing > Account Management >05 years 4 months

§  Management > Managing Director > 05 years




From December 2009 > until today > Local Consultant

IFC - Financial Access   > eBSI Export Academy



- Prepare IFC seminars locally (Senegal and other countries)

- Contact the participants mainly from bank

- Update daily sheet of Participants

- Prepare the necessary logistics for training

- Make booking the place of training

- Coordinate all activities necessary to make possible a seminar in a given country

To this end, I had conducted missions in Senegal, Mauritania, Gambia, Cameroon and Rwanda


For each assignment, I managed a budget of at least 10,000 dollars for costs related to logistics. References on request from:

- Financial Access Consulting >

-  eBSI Export Academy  >

- IFC (International Finance Corporation) - Global Trade Finance Program  >


 From February 2009 nowadays > Manager / Director

IDC Corporation



- Partner search direct export and import

- Linking, Market penetration

- Data base management importers, exporters, companies, business organizations

- Raw materials of any kind

- Collection, processing, analysis and data management

- Preparation of financial reports of activities, logical frameworks, business plan


- Land (online): contact suppliers / prospects, networking, design methodology.

- To collect and analyze data (computerization)



BDM regional staff of all skills, techniques and professional, administrative, logistical, maintenance ... Partner Network

Position: Project development ... S ee the future.


Nowadays to July 2008 > CEO & founder



- Develop international education programs through e-Learning through ALLSOFT

Higher Education [AHED] with collaborators wishing build an effective partnership with other institutes for the extension of their training program.

- Play the role of facilitator for the opening of some markets in the world of marketing equipment, computer media and accessories through ALLSOFT Hardware [AHARD]

- Position yourself as a support in all processes of software development, applications, Web site development, software architecture, computer security, backup and  data retention through ALLSOFT-WARE [ALLWARE]

- Bring together all professionals and individuals from IT, software, hardware, middleware through an extensive community network called ALLSOFT NETWORKING [@-NETWORKING]

Management and contact tracing / assessment - assessment of partnership with business IT / Software

[Asia - Europe - Africa and Americas]. Preparation of activity reports and annual financial frameworks

logical and Plan of Action. Facing international partners to projects Outsourcing / application development, IT marketing, web design, technical support,

Plot: monitoring the implementation of action plans in collaboration with the beneficiaries. Integration

projects - all the work online. Technical aspects, monitoring and evaluation, management of funds made



Strong partnerships with companies online computer [Asia - Europe - Africa - Americas]

Review: Accession of 30 companies IT / Software - development ( under construction )



December 2007 - June 2008 (part time 4h/day Online) > e-Marketing Manager

International New Business - INB-France


Recruit and train a team of cybermarketers Online - Establishment of buzz online through professional networking sites (facebook, Marzar, xing, 6nergies, ziki .. coaching team cybermarketers - Monitoring the production team - Assessment of each CyberMarket and production

Means: supervising a team of 45 cybermarketers

Review: The original objective of BNI France was initially 10,000 prospects. Team cybermarketers reached 200,000 prospects.Following this mission, I was Coptic by Michael Lander Group Chief Marketing Office [ CMO ]



April 2006 - June 2008 > Director / Project Manager-CAR NET Senegal > electronic health record

Mallyance France


-           Recruit and supervise a team of local developers

-           Develop the specifications of the application

-           Supervise a team of social scientists - Doctors - Investigators for the questionnaire of market research.

-           Follow-up assessments of all work processes and procedures for software development.

-           Contacting all health facilities (hospitals, health centers in Senegal meeting with  Ministry - Monitoring and evaluation of technical aspects of ground contacts, monitoring & evaluation, management of funds made available ... Outsourcing products and services that the  car-or net book eHealth. Design methodology.

-           Centralization and analysis of data (Computerization).

Means: Budget: 480,000 euros

Team up: developers, technician’s investigators

Review: setting up the database and site-www.carnet - Launch produced in Dakar in June 2007 in the presence of the Senegalese authorities when SINEC, contact all hospitals of Senegal, the Senegalese army and international agencies Always continue


October 2007 - March 2008 > Representative Senegal

IT4YOU - France


-           Market research at the local level for implementation of outsourcing activities with headquarters.

-           Driving a team of 5 local engineers for the conduct of IT projects and programs. To up marketing efforts

-            to sell products / hardware.

Means: Budget (modest)

Team of 5 Engineers local professionals.

Review: computerization project-wifi networks of the House of Culture Douta Seck-Ongoing

Micro-projects without significant results given the lack of local structure (sale of some laptops and accessories. ).

October 2004 - February 2005 > Director of Sales & e-training

Insertech International - Senegal


Plan activities for the sale of products and services with a team of sale . To:

-           place strategies for market penetration. Entering the school by providing in programs as a student-one computer / computer - a teacher. Initiate programs

-           teaching pedagogy as virtual or alternatively use the tool and resource Computer-level curriculum for schools. Animate training  seminars in high schools and colleges of Senegal. Install laboratories multimedia school (LMS).

-            Develop educational resources at constant monitoring and evaluation of secondary schools teachers particularly at the level of IA and blocks scientific report of Senegal with CNBST.

-           Tracking LMS installed throughout Senegal by maintenance activities and building capacity

Means: Limited budget

Quality professional staff, logistical support, all necessary means in emergency


At least more than 25 schools have benefited from these programs - development of several websites and applications for the computerized management of schools. Animation several training seminars at RN - Rehabilitation of computer rooms World Links secondary schools and colleges of Senegal. Improvement of some educational content.

March 2005 - June 2006 > Director of e-learning School Virtual School

EVS DAKAR under the direction of EVS Edmonton


-           Develop training center e-learning Dakar in connection with the project manager Melissa Loiselle.

-           E- Learning for Scorm content from Skill Soft and Smart Force. Establish business strategies and disseminate training publicized tool. Supervise sessions Training - training and restore methodologies approaches to future teachers of the center.

-           Identification, planning and participatory budgeting activities to be undertaken. Production reporting and implementation studies.

-           Coordination of activities planned. Production and Shutters

-           Extension, Storage and Marketing, Animation few short seminars with companies and affiliated organizations (PAOA - GIE TCL)

-           Monitoring and evaluation of Canadian volunteers / French available to me by  the program UNITERRA CECI which we were a part.

-           Project manager for a community center digital extension of the computer at the joint districts

Means: Budget result - well-organized project structure - Means material resources Large professional team dedicated to monitoring and evaluation unit.

Review: Positive, in connection with the expected results.


July 2001 - October 2004 > ICT Journalist

Echos Informatique and Communication

Head of Education DESK - monitoring the output of journalists - active participation in Editorial - approaches to land regular publication of many articles

Ø  ICT Partner of CDEPS Dakar


Capacity of structure in assisting the staff in basic computer and Director in certain internal tasks. Direct support to the Director in the design program  as the youth program or PROCIRAJ Community integration and rehabilitation of agricultural urban youth - (creation of producer groups in micro gardening). Monitoring of key projects located in the county boroughs of Dakar Preparation of reports followed and Evaluation.

Means: Budget training

Functional Unit - Minimum Hardware

Centralized financial control to management

Conclusion: Establishment of the unit PROCIRAJ assisted by technicians of the HRC

-  Staff Training

- Setting up a basic network of young producers at the commune level borough.

-  Network difficult to implement and maintain.





October 2004-dec. 2005 > E-learning Qualification final level -

Train of trainers in e-learning [development / learning Management System (Scorm / Skillsoft ), project Collaborative] > EVS-Dakar & EVS Edmonton

October 2004 - December 2005 > E-learning Qualification Level 1 – 2 & 4

Certificate in e-learning > EVS-Dakar & EVS Edmonton

January 2004 July 2005 > E-Commerce & E-marketing Qualification final level

Certificate in e-commerce / e-marketing > EVS-Dakar & EVS Edmonton

October 1996 - July 1998 > Analyst Programmer in Computer Science

Diploma in Computer Science at COMTECH

August 1994 to August 1996 > Magister in Indicametry

Diploma in Indicametry, CIDI – UNECSO BREDA

November 1990 to July 1992 > Certificate in Indicametry

Certificate in Indicametry, CIDI – UNECSO BREDA

November 1990 to July 1992 > Bachelor in Sciences

Bachelor in Sciences Maths, Physical Sciences, Sciences of life, Senegal

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