Profil du prestataire marechal

Informations générales sur le prestataire marechal

Nickname : marechal
Type de structure : auto-entrepreneur
Date inscription : 16/07/2009
Dernière fois en ligne : 24/06/2022
Classement : classé 12 160ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire marechal

Domaines de compétence
- Projets
- Gestion des projets

- Reseau IP
- Cablage reseau (Cuivre et Fibre)
- Cablage datacenter
- Tirage fibre optique et fusion
- Deploiement Wifi (Cisco, Mikrotik et Ubiquiti)
- Design reseau IP (LAN & WAN)
- Configuration routeurs (Cisco, Huawei, ZTE, Juniper, Nokia/Alcatel, Mikrotik)
- configuration switches (Cisco, Huawei, ZTE, Alcatel, Mikrotik)
- Configuration firewalls (Cisco, Huawei, Juniper, Fortinet, Palo Alto)
- Mpls (LDP & RSVP) sur Cisco, Nokia, Huawei, ZTE & Mikrotik.
- SDN (Cisco)
- SD-Wan (Cisco)
- Identites (Cisco ISE)
- VOIP (Cisco CM, Elastix, Freepbx, 3CX)
- Video conference (Cisco Webex, Jitsi server, TrueConf)

- Systemes
- Windows (Active directory, DNS, Serveur de fichiers NFS, WSUS, Serveur d'impression, Exchange, Sharepoint, Skype for business, Teams)
- Linux  (DNS/Bind, Proxy/Squid, Mail/sendmail-Postfix , Web/Apache)

- Hyperviseurs
- VMWare (Vsphere / ESX)
- Citrix Xen server
- Microsoft Hyper-VMWare
- Linux KVM
- Base des donnees
- Microsoft SQL server
- MySql
- Postgre Sql
- BI
- Power BI 

- Cloud
- Microsoft Azure
- Google Cloud
- Amazon AWS
- DigitalOcean
Expérience professionnelle
Core Data Network Support
Nom de l’entreprise:  Vodacom Congo SA
Dates d’emploiavr. 2015 – oct. 2019
Durée d’emploi4 ans 7 mois

###Infrastructure ###

+ Ensure an availability of 100% in the MPLS Core Network.
+ Ensure an availability of 100% in the IPRAN access network.
+ Second level of support for Vodanet MPLS
+ Faults management to comply with SLA
+ Make sure infrastructure KPIs are above the thresholds.
+ Make sure systems are resilient, redundant and secured.
+ Main contact for infrastructure security (Access, Core, Dmz, Systems, Pentest)
+ Second level support LAN Network.


+ In charge of IP integrations for all projects.
+ Validate impact of projects in the network (traffic, routing, addressing, etc.)
+ Follow up on technical matters of projects (Hardware, Cabling, Software and integration)
+ Training of NOC engineers on new products/services implemented in the network.


+ Drawing up TRP and highlight weakness
+ Drawing up a BCM plan
+ Net Promoter score
+ Suppliers & Vendors management to maintain an acceptable level of Capex & Opex per financial year.
+ Partners follow up to make sure they are aligned with Vodafone policies and standards


Computer Expert
Nom de l’entrepriseDirection Générale des Impôts
Dates d’emploiavr. 2018 – sept. 2018
Durée d’emploi6 mois

As per the General Manager request, we have been appointed as Computer Expert in a commission created to prepare the company for a digital transformation of Human Ressources and an evaluation of a new acquired Human Ressources ERP with the vendor.

+ New Human Ressources ERP evaluation (Software and Database)
+ Analyse company LAN prior to HR digitalisation
+ Evaluate security impact of this project
+ Conduct audit of actual HR procedures for smooth integration of new software


Data support specialist
Nom de l’entrepriseVODACOM CONGO (RDC) S.A
Dates d’emploioct. 2014 – 2015
Durée d’emploi1 an

? Conducts quality service evaluations on the Data Network in all areas that can create outages or degradation of the Data Network Elements to assure the availability at an acceptable or above average level of 99.95%
? Support the Data Network Engineer on works related to Data Quality of Service issues (interferences, slowness, packet losses)
? Data Project Leader: report weekly on major Data Network Activities and on-going Project in the Network, highlighting Blocking Points and making recommendations on alternatives.
? Audit the Data NE Installations

? Provide Technical Support to the Data Network Engineer in field, on Maintenance Tasks: Commissioning, Acceptances and Troubleshooting.
? Up skill Regional Data Engineer via On Job Training on Data NE Fault-finding and Troubleshooting.
? Picks up Data Network faults affecting the Regions via the Network Management Center, investigates further and coordinates curative maintenance with the in-field Technical Officers.
? Supports the Regions in the audit of the Data Network and the implementation of the Preventive & Corrective Maintenance at least twice a year.
? Coordinates the 48 hours PRBS Test for the newly installed Data Links with the Data Planning, Project Management and the Regions prior to putting the traffic through.
? Assesses the impact of the approved Job Orders to ensure, they are implemented with effectiveness (Maintenance Processes) in order to guaranty an accurate restoration time when services are affected, provides a record of positive impacts in the Data Network, highlights negative impacts and updates procedures for the executed ones
? Writes the Work Procedures for Level1 & 2 Maintenance Tasks
? Report on all the faults captured on the Data NE.

Durée totale3 ans
PosteIT Project Manager
Dates d’emploijuil. 2012 – oct. 2014
Durée d’emploi2 ans 4 mois

? Conduct projects as required by Executive Committee
? Work closely with all teams to assess financial impact (Capex/Opex and Incomes) of new products.

? Main contact to discuss with suppliers on Technical aspects of project.
? Follow Up for all parties involved in project for fast delivering.
? Work with IT team to access effectiveness of new products.
? Lifecyle of projects

+ Website rebranding project
+ Ebanking (Offline first then Online) project
+ Business Continuity project
+ Visa / Mastercard (Outsourced) project
+ ATM project
+ Moneygram to Western Union migration project
+ Core Banking Software migration from Windows to AIX
+ Swift platform migration to HA architecture
+ BI dashboard development by IT team
Infrastructure and Security Engineer
Dates d’emploinov. 2011 – juil. 2012
Durée d’emploi9 mois
LieuKinshasa DRC

? Rebuild of new network architecture.
? Deployment of remote branches (Matadi, Goma, Tshikapa, Lubumbashi, Doko, Watsa, Bunia)
? Deployment of local branches (kasavubu, kintambo, commerce, zigida, ngaba, liberte, socimat, maxifood)
? Rebuild of the datacenter to be compliant to IDCA (International Data Center Autorithy) standards.
? Monitoring and Management of servers
? Monthly evaluation of KPIs for Data/Internet links provided by ISP
? QoS & TE for a converged network (Data, Voice, internet)
? Firewall, IDS & IPS management
? Antivirus and Patches management
? Storage management
? BackUp & Recovery management
? UPS Management
? Generator Management
? Aircon Management
? Supervision of it team in charge of Infrastructure

Recognition: Price of excellence (December 2012).

IT Support
Nom de l’entrepriseCIS RDC
Dates d’emploijuil. 2011 – nov. 2011
Durée d’emploi5 mois
LieuKinshasa RDC

- Cisco Support (Routing & Switching, Voice, Security, Collaboration, Wireless)
- HP Support (SAN, BackUp & Blades)
- RHEL Support
- SAGE Support


IT & ISP Supervisor
Nom de l’entrepriseStandard Telecom Sarl
Dates d’emploimars 2009 – déc. 2009
Durée d’emploi10 mois
LieuKinshasa RDC

+ ISP Core Network management (Adsl & Ftth)
+ CDMA Core Network Management
+ ISP team supervision
+ IT team supervision
+ Responsible of IT & ISP teams in Technical Meetings
+ Management of Vsat internet providers
+ Staff training planning
+ Car dispatch
+ Shops & Remote connectivity
IT Consultant
Nom de l’entrepriseLe Soft International
Dates d’emploisept. 2008 – mars 2009
Durée d’emploi7 mois
- It Help desk
- Computer maintenance
- Software development (Human Ressources, Compatbility & Sales)
- Webmaster (
- Infography (Adobe Suite, Corel Suite)
- Server Management (Domain Controller, Dns, File Server, Proxy, Sql Server ).
- Speedmaster SX 52 maintenance


Team Leader Sales Agent ZANDO SME promotion
Nom de l’entrepriseCeltel International B.V.
Dates d’emploimars 2008 – août 2008
Durée d’emploi6 mois
• Define and discuss with team about the strategy to reach High Values Customers
• Field team dispatch
• Team Daily reports summarization


Nom de l’entrepriseSAFRICAS
Dates d’emploijanv. 2004 – avr. 2004
Durée d’emploi4 mois
+ Development
+ Database
+ Helpdesk
+ Network
Centre National de Teledetection
Technicien en Télédétection Géospatial
Formation de renforcement des capacités des experts congolais organise par le Centre National de Télédétection en partenariat avec la Coopération Japonaise (JICA).
La certification professionnelle Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), pouvant être librement traduite par Auditeur certifié des systèmes d'information existe depuis 1978; celle-ci est parrainée par ISACA et est une norme mondialement acceptée de reconnaissance parmi les professionnels de l’audit, du contrôle et de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (SI).

Offensive Security
The OSCP examination consists of a virtual network containing targets of varying configurations and operating systems. At the start of the exam, the student receives the exam and connectivity instructions for an isolated exam network that they have no prior knowledge or exposure to.

The successful examinee will demonstrate their ability to research the network (information gathering), identify any vulnerabilities and successfully execute attacks. This often includes modifying exploit code with the goal to compromise the systems and gain administrative access.
Project Management Institute
CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management)
Certified Associate in Project Management ou CAPM est une certification en gestion de projets, dont le programme d'accréditation est géré par le Project Management Institute (PMI)
Université de Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens)
M1 MIAGE (Méthodes Informatiques Appliquées à la Gestion des Entreprises)
Le Master de méthodes informatiques appliquées à la gestion des entreprises (MIAGE) est un diplôme universitaire français de niveau Bac+5, alliant une double compétence en informatique et en gestion, destiné à former des cadres d'entreprise experts en ingénierie et management des systèmes d'information.

Projets réalisés par marechal

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