Profil du prestataire hangen

Informations générales sur le prestataire hangen

Nickname : hangen
Type de structure : non spécifié/autre
Date inscription : 18/10/2010
Dernière fois en ligne : 17/07/2024
Classement : classé 11 235ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire hangen

Domaines de compétence
Python, c/c++
Wireless networks (802.11, hiperlan )
erasure codes
network coding
routing protocol
Expérience professionnelle

Co-Founder of BBS TECHS startup.
Solutions for data storage systems based on Ph.D and postdoctoral work.
-Erasure code library for distributed storage systems.
-Machine learning based automatic data placement algorithm for distributed storage systems.
Télécom Paris
Postdoctoral Researcher.
-Implementation and test of a new erasure code on Ceph (Proposed during Ph.D).
-Design of a data placement algorithm for distributed storage systems based on machine learning techniques.
Cisco / Télécom Paris
Postdoctoral Researcher.
- Popularity-based caching algorithm for erasure-coded distributed storage systems
- 5G-VINNI Project : Deployment of Cisco Edge and Fog Processing Module (EFM) to collect telemetry
from IoT devices.
Dr. André Surcouf and Prof. Nadia Boukhatem
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Research Visit.
Coding algorithms for Software Defined Networks (SDN).
Prof. Mario Gerla
Télécom ParisTech
Ph.D Student.
{ Contributions to FUI-16 OPUS project :
-Proposal of a network coding model adapted for multi-layer video transmission.
-Implementation of a ns-3 based demonstrator for the transmission of scalable video SVC (Scalable
Video Coding) and HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) using network coding.
{ Proposalofanerasurecodingtechniquefordistributedstoragesystemreducingrequiredrepairbandwidth
and I/O overhead. Prof. Nadia Boukhatem
2014–2018 :
2009–2010 :
2006-2009 : 2004-2006 :
April, 2022 – Nov 2023
Sept, 2019 – Feb, 2021
Sept, 2018 – Aug, 2019
Advisor :
April 2017 Advisor :
Sept,2014 – July,2018
Advisor :
PhD, Computer Science, Télécom ParisTech, Coding techniques for wireless networks and distributed storage systems.
Master of Research in Computer Science, University of Paris Sud 11, Orsay, France, LRI (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique).
Communications and Networks Engineering, National Engineering School of Gabès, Tunisia. Preparatory classes for the engineering schools in Mathematics and Physics, ISSATG
(Institut Supérieur des Sciences Appliquée et la Technologie de Gabès), Tunisia.

Projets réalisés par hangen

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