Profil du prestataire lauretoms

Informations générales sur le prestataire lauretoms

Nickname : lauretoms
Type de structure : travailleur occasionnel
Date inscription : 07/06/2015
Dernière fois en ligne : 27/08/2015
Classement : classé 44 195ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire lauretoms

Domaines de compétence

Key skills and competences acquired :

Ø  Software documentation writing (requirements specification, Conceptual analysis reports, technical documentation, testing plan, acceptance testing report, user documentation and training supports , …)

Ø  Good practice of the Merise method and the software modeling languages

Ø  Good practice of computer programming languages Java, RMI, TestNG, JUnit, VB, PL/SQL, HTML, JSON, XML

Ø  Good knowledge of Windows, Linux and Mac Systems

Ø  Good knowledge of Oracle, MySQL et SQL server DBMS’s

Ø  Good knowledge of Web servers TOMCAT and Jonas

Ø  Comprehensive understanding of computer programming languages C++ , C, PHP, ASP.NET, Javascript


Expérience professionnelle

2011 – 2013 : IT Engineer, Infotel Group, Toulouse - -

3 Infotel’s Top products development participations :

Ø  Arcsys (electronic archiving of sensitive data solution) : Software developer

·     Design and production of a tool to measure Arcsys’s performances (archiving time, uses of memory resources, …)

·     Design and built a supervision tool to check documents integrity throughout  the archiving chain to an Arcsys’s major customer, responsible for the project management in association with a web designer.

Ø  Infoscope (management of software quality processes) : Software tester and software trainer

·       Writing and implementing units testing and integration testing in collaboration with developers team

·       Responsible for delivering user training and writing courses and exercices supports

Ø  ArcCFN Web (online management of public document storage service) : Databases administrator

·       Creating and implementing CFN's databases

·       Writing conceptual analysis, technical documentation and testing plan


Summer 2011 : Access Developer, A.D.E.P.A.P.E Association, Toulouse

Ø  Design, development and implementation of a members management software with the L4G access.

Ø  Responsible for the user training


April - September 2010 : Database trainee, France Telecom, Toulouse



Ø  Design and implement Oracle database for making statistics analysis of french microwave terrestrial network

Ø  Production of Requirements definition, design and implementation of the database



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2012 : Master’s level degree in MIAGE (Méthodes informatiques Appliquées à la Gestion des Entreprises), IUP MIAGE, Toulouse

2009 : Two-year undergraduate degree in computer science, IUT A, Toulouse

2007 : High school diploma in economic and social sciences, Périgueux

Projets réalisés par lauretoms

Portfolio en ligne du prestataire 'lauretoms'

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