Profil du prestataire liyingfc

Informations générales sur le prestataire liyingfc

Nickname : liyingfc
Date inscription : 07/09/2008
Dernière fois en ligne : 28/02/2014
Classement : classé 47 942ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire liyingfc

Domaines de compétence

Java:J2EE, J2ME, Servlet, JSP, Struts, Spring, Swing,

DB: MySql, Oracle, Pl/Sql, Sql

C, C++, VC, Php, DreamWeaver,Asp

OS: Unix, Linux, Windows

Expérience professionnelle

Java :

1.       Alcatel-Lucent France Wimax OMC (Operation Maintenace Center) Development. (java, swing, j2ee, spring, servlet, jsp, perl, shell, sql, xml, oracle, unix).

2. two E-commerce platform in union advertisement area. (J2EE technology,include struts 1.x, struts2.x, spring1.x, spring2.x, hibernate2.x, hibernate3.x.)3.     RIT Gamble & Game SystemImplement of gamble&game system, showing the model of MVC by using JSP + Servlet + Session Bean + Entity Bean technologies. Concerning on design and realization of main data maintenance module, gamble, and game functions. 4.     Siemens CIS SystemImplement of the function of financial report, selling assignment, and data analysis in Siemens mobile telephone business. I was responsible for the design and implementation of the modules, including main data maintenance, data importing and financial report business.5.    ASC Portal SystemImplement of multi-language interior management system using hibernate + struts + freemarker technologies. Concerning on transition from static webpage to active webpage, design and realization of main data maintenance module, including account, permission, assignment uploading and searching functions.6.    Human Resource Management SystemsThe project is a B/S architecture system. It is a multiuser project. Customers can use it online to manage human resource. It include employee manager module, salary manager module, mail manager module, message remind module. (Mysql, Java, Hibernate, log4j, JavaBeans, Servlet, Ioc, Ajax, YUI, jfreechart, freemarker, prototype...)7.    Web Store System Simulating the,the system simply implement the shopcart,CRUD of customers,orders,managers functionalities...The project is a B/S architecture system. The project can complete function of the management of the administrators and the homepage of the bookshop.The clients can choose the book,and confirm the order for what they want. (Apache Tomcat 5.5,Apache Struts 1.2 Framework,JSTL,Hibernate Framework ,JSP,Servlet.,EJB3.0,JSP8.    Search EngineA custom-tailor project, search publish journal sources for university. ( Apache-activemq-5.1.0, Hibernate Framework , apache-camel-1.3.0, Maven, Jetty, Heritrix….)  C++ 1.       Alcatel-Lucent France MxPF (Multi-standard Platform for BSC) project development. (C, C++, Shell, insure++)2.     MCRC(Motorola china research center) Speech process lab           Project Description cooperate with GSG (Global software group) Beijing to implement prototype and demos based on phone platform, including music selection demos, speaker verification demo, STT (speech to text) demo, voice search demo. (Linux and gcc 3.2 ,C & shell script, Provided the interfaces of our VR (voice recognition) engine for GSG Beijing, designed the process of human interaction, helped GSG to understand related technology and solved the problems in the project. Helped our team member to implement prototype of new technology quickly). Project Description: evaluate our VR engine and provide an analysis report for team leader or GSG.(Linux and arm simulator ,C & shell script) Project Description: improve algorithms of VR engine (windows, C & Matlab & asm) 3.     Intel ICSD OTC-PRC SQA             Project Descriptionprovide certification and test case for SAF( service available forum) project.(Linux and gcc 3.2 , C & shell script)

AntEngineers is a software company, founded in 2006 in France. Our expertise is focused on software development with all java and C++ technologies.

We deliver services throughout the project life cycle (V cycle) including design, conception, code, test, integration, validation. Offer a satisfied maintenance and complete documentation after project’s delivery.

We have an active, intelligence and excellent development team including French Engineers and several great Chinese engineers.


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