Connaissances informatiques
Java ( J2EE )
Framework :
Hibernate , Struts
Web related:
XHTML, Javascript , XML , SOAP
Oracle 10g (SUN)
Compilateurs :
Eclipse OSB per WebLogic
NetBeans con Maven Plugin (per linux/windows, J2EE )
Eclipse Europa , svn integrated (per linux/windows, J2EE )
WebSphere IBM WSAD( windows ,J2EE)
JasperReports , JFreeChart, Velocity, Maven , HibernateTools (java)
Tortoise SVN
Hobbies Pesca subacquea , football , Running , Trekking
last experience
for RAS ( now i developed a piece of a web-app wich purpose is to analyze some SE indexes and to present data over the net to customers
jasper reports - jfreecharts
oracle maestro
java hibernate struts
tortoise svn
march 2008 - february 2009
In Ras I m working on java distributed applications .The web server part is running on WebSphere, it can be downloaded ( via authentication) and executed by the Client .Once started , the N Clients generate a distributed application balancing the Network resources.The purpose is generate and chomp several quantities of Information to predict the health and the Embedded Value of several products.Application Structure is based on Maven Plugin for Netbeans , and it models DataBase via Hibernate persistent objects.Versioning is powered by TortoiseSVN ( Open Software )DB Administrators develop with SQLTools (Commercial Soft)technologies
websphere IBM
tomcat Apache
java hibernate struts
oracle maestro
tortoise svn
près Université ‘Mediterranea' , Reggio Calabria
final work
'a direct-x graphics engine for elicopter flight'
Relator Prof. Ing. Massimiliano Mattei