Profil du prestataire cihan

Informations générales sur le prestataire cihan

Nickname : cihan
Date inscription : 18/01/2008
Dernière fois en ligne : 18/01/2008
Classement : classé 60 433ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire cihan

Domaines de compétence
Language: JAVA, C/C++, SQL, LabView, Python
JAVA: 2D, 3D, Swing, JDBC, Hibernate, RMI, JSF, Struts, Spring, Apache
Web: HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, JSP, Servlet
Operating System: Microsoft, Linux, Mac OS X
Database: Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Derby
Web/Application Server: Apache, Jetty, Tomcat, JBOSS
Development Environment: Eclipse, Visual Studio
Data Processing: ImageJ, VIGRA, WEKA, Matlab
Expérience professionnelle

03/2003 – present    EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory), Heidelberg, Germany.


05/2005 – present    Software Engineer – Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit

Implemented and deployed systems to manage classified high throughput screening data including the following:

•    A flexible and efficient system used to store relevant information on screening experiments, based on an Oracle database backend.

•    Mid-tier API and Applications for automation of analysis of multiple screening projects allowing screening dataset comparison.
•    Implementation of a User Interface for screening data management and visualisation.
•    Development of a cluster management software application to perform automated analysis.
•    Configuration and deployment of a cluster of five machines for high performance screening data analysis (two terabytes dataset).
•    Development of plugins for ImageJ.
•    Collaboration with the MitoCheck Project Team.

Collaborated with several internal and external teams on the development of custom Image Processing solutions:
•    Provided EMBL scientists with specific functionality and technical assistance to enable novel data analysis and image processing.
•    Interfaced with external groups collaborating with EMBL on their Image Processing projects.
•    Collaborated with a microscopy company on a commercial Image Analysis software product for screening application: Scan^R Analysis, OBS, Munich (Germany).


08/2003 – 05/2005   Research Technician – Microcomputing and data acquisition

Developed various software applications for Image Processing and Analysis.
Studied and resolved imaging and acquisition problems.
Implemented algorithms for recognition and classification:

•    Drosophila male/female classification.
•    Frog egg classification.

03/2003 – 07/2003     Internship – Computer and Networking Group

Identified and solved network threats and security issues.
Deployed an intrusion detection system (IDS) with two sensors for external and internal traffic.
Implemented a User Interface for the IDS systems management.
Identified two cases of network attacks and took corresponding measures.

2003 - 2004 Master de recherche (DEA) en informatique et traitement de signal
ENSISA, Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA) Mulhouse-Colmar.

2000 - 2003 Master (diplome d'ingé
nieur) en informatique et traitement de signal
ENSISA, Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA) Mulhouse-Colmar.

1998 - 2000 DUT GEII (gé
nie electrique et informatique industriel)
IUT, Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA). Mulhouse-Colmar.

Projets réalisés par cihan

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