Profil du prestataire marie0712

Informations générales sur le prestataire marie0712

Nickname : marie0712
Date inscription : 23/07/2007
Dernière fois en ligne : 27/01/2009
Classement : classé 41 484ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire marie0712

Domaines de compétence

Languages: French (mother tongue), English, German and Spanish.

Softwares: Trados 2007, Adobe prof., Pack Office.


Expérience professionnelle

Sine july 2007: Freelance translator (contact me to have samples of my translations)


02/04/07 au 29/06/07 : Translator/Proofreader - Decouflé, Chilly-mazarin, France.

Translate and proofread manuals such as user's manual, ISO norms, electrical manuals, mechanical manuals from German and English into French and reversal.
Creation of glossaries of terms.

Simultaneous and consecutives Interpretations with the english team of the company.

14/09/05 au 28/02/07: Translator/Proofreader/writer. EN & D to FR, Graphiware (SSII), France.

Translate, write and proofread press releases and articles for a graphic arts website, for telecommunication agencies, big printers and paper industries.

Translation of software (printing industry).

Creation of a technical standard manual.

14/02/05 au 14/08/05 : Photograph, Photo Service, Parly 2 (78),



1999-2003 : University in (UMB) Strasbourg (67). master – and interpreter diploma – english to french – at the parliament school in Strasbourg,

1998-1999 : 1st year in ESCE (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Extérieur) in Paris La Défense,

1997-1998 : Baccalauréat économic and social – mathematic speciality (corresponds to A level) – lycée JBV in Mirecourt (88).

Projets réalisés par marie0712

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