Profil du prestataire aogara

Informations générales sur le prestataire aogara

Nickname : aogara
Date inscription : 15/10/2008
Dernière fois en ligne : 26/01/2009
Classement : classé 41 486ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire aogara

Domaines de compétence

I have worked on various projects (B2B/B2C Shops, Websites, Online ERP, online CRM) and interacted on different levels of projects implementation (analysis, specification, developpement, integration, management).
Various professional activity were concerned as tourism, associations, federations, pharmaceutical and others.

I'm organised and curious. My character make's me attentive to client needs, and my experience force proposal on both functionnal and technical aspects.


  • Other Languages: C, Perl, Delphi, Python, C#, C#.NET, VB.NET

Databases: SQL Server, MySQL, Interbase/FireBird, Access, Oracle, PostgreSQL


Environments: Unix/Linux (FreeBSD, Debian, Ubuntu), Windows (2000, XP, 2003, VISTA)

Graphism: Photoshop, GIMP

Tools: Notepad++, Eclipse, VisualStudio, DreamWeaver, MindManager7, DBDesigner4, ...
Expérience professionnelle
Actually: ProxiAD
as Developpement Engineer

12/2004 to 09/2008: INTESYS
as Developpements Manager

# Main Projects

- Framework in PHP - Javascript (Ajax) - XML/JSON
- Web-based ERP for a thematic tourism Agency (e-tourism)
- Multimedia content management for a political campaign web-site
- Various CRM subscribtion to multiple newspapers and magazines module
- Various CRM Events management module (prospection, subscription, places, payement)
- Workflows integration on various CRM

# Main Responsibilities
------------------------ ---

Framework conception in PHP - XML/JSON - Javascript (Ajax)

  • Database conception
  • Architecture definiton
  • Centralized Messages and Errors Manager developement
  • Unified Data Management Patterns integration

Web-sites and web-application architecture design

  • Technical and functionnal specifications
  • Database schema conception
  • E-tourism Web-Based ERP processes and architecture definition
  • Multimedia management rules and functionnalities definition for a political campaign web-site
  • Half-automated newsletter generator processes definition
  • Various CRM evolutions definition
  • Chat room with half-automated moderation architecture definition

Technical and functionnal needs analysis and developpement

  • Technical and functional documentation redaction
  • Analysis, adaptation and evolution for various web applications or sites
  • Unified Multimedia Manager developement for a political campaign web-site (administration and display)
  • CRM adaptation to fit EDM specific needs for a global pharmaceutical group
  • Online reservation process developpement for various websites or applications (including: subscription, billing, online payment and facturation)
  • E-commerce ERP's Reservation Automated Assistant module developement (provides help on decision for customers during the reservation process)
  • Newspaper and magazines subscription module developement
  • Various CRMs adaptation and evolution for various associations and federations
  • On-line planning and subscription to the programs of a formation center

Projects management
  • Team management of 3 or 4 people
  • Charge estimation and tasks repartition
  • Providers and third parties coordination
  • User Assistance on tools and working process changes

03/2004 to 11/2004: INTESYS
as Developpements Manager Junior

12/2002 to 02/2004: INTESYS
as Developpement Engineer (part time)

07/2002 to 11/2002: INTESYS
Internship as Junior developper

06/2000 to 08/2000: Next-Team
Internship as Junior developper

2004 EPITECH (European Institute of Technology)
Master's Degree, expert in tecnnologies of communication

1999 High School Graduation

Projets réalisés par aogara

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