Profil du prestataire mabaidi

Informations générales sur le prestataire mabaidi

Nickname : mabaidi
Date inscription : 28/12/2018
Dernière fois en ligne : 16/09/2022
Classement : classé 8 349ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire mabaidi

Domaines de compétence


- Linear Network Analysis 

- Machine learning 

- Modeling 

- Scientific computing 

- Numerical analysis 

- Sensitivity Analysis 

- E-beam lithography modeling 

- Micro and Nano system 

- Atomic Force Microscope 

- Multi-scale 

- Signal processing 

- Image processing

- Complex inverse problem 

- Fitting algorithm 

- PDE, ODE – Big Data 

- Fluid Mechanics 

- Complex fluid 

- Hydrodynamic 

- Rheology 

- CFD   




Python, Maple 


C, C++ 

MATLAB, Simulink 

FreeFem++, Mathematica 

Scilab, R 

COMSOL Multiphysics, 



Eclipse, Visual Basic 

Gedit, Emacs, Latex 


- AFM: Atomic Force Microscopy 

- SThM probe 

Operating systems 

Mac, Windows, Linux, CentOS.  

Expérience professionnelle


 06/2015- 10/2018: R&D - Application Engineer, ASELTA Nanographics / CEA Grenoble_France 

  • • Direct contact with customers ins tasks of support and joint research. 
  • • Proposition of new algorithms to address specific customer needs. 
  • • Deep learning for geometry estimation and roughness measurements of nanoscale features from SEM images. 
  • • SEM Simulation for Mask Inspection 
  • • Contour extraction from mask SEM image 
  • • Proximity effect modeling for E-Beam lithography and plasma etching. 
  • • Development of new models for e-beam lithography, including the most significant effects that impact process resolution. 
  • • Proposition and implementation of methods to evaluate to quantify the quality of a model in absolute and relative terms. 
  • • Experimental data analysis (data mining, sensitivity method) 
  • • Design of high performance data fit algorithm for electron beam lithography data- preparation 
  • • Design of high accuracy process models for electron beam lithography (lithography or etching process) 
  • • Design of a dose and/or geometry proximity effects correction algorithm for high resolution electron beam lithography applications 
  • Work Environment : INSCALE, Java, Python, C++, C. 



07/2014- 05/2015: R&D Engineer _ FEMTO-ST Besançon_France and IBM Zurich (CDD).

 Modeling and model-based control of temperature in an SThM probe. 



  • Multi-scale model derivation for MEMS arrays. 
  • Develop control theory for a SThM probe. 
  • Develop an interface between symbolic multi-scale model derivation software and FEM software.
  • Develop algorithms for symbolic multi-scale model derivation. 
  • Developing a symbolic software package for multi-scale model of the device. 

Work Environment : COMSOL Multiphysics, Matlab, Comsol_with_Matlab. 


10/2010-06/2014: R&D Engineer_ PhD in Applied Mathematics LAMFA_LPMC (Amiens _ France) • Morphological Instabilities of microcapsules suspended free in complex flow. 
  • • Numerical simulation of bioartificial capsules and cells in flow. 
  • • Modeling and Numerical Simulation of a deformable particle under shear flow (Red blood cell, Pharmaceutical drug, Cosmetic Product). 
  • • Coupling and Simulation of problem Fluid-Structure using FEM and BIM. 
  • • Influence of internal viscosity on the large deformation and buckling of a spherical capsule in a simple shear flow. 
  • • Ellipsoidal capsules in simple shear flow: prolate versus oblate initial shapes 
  • • Computer Modeling of Red Blood Cell Rheology in the Microcirculation (Level Set, Image Processing: active contour). 
  • • Dynamics of cancer cells. 
  • • Nonlinear Modeling and Simulation of Tumor Growth. 


Work Environment : Matlab, C /C++, FreeFem++, Python. 


    •  12/2013: Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from University of Picardy Jules Verne: UPJV Amiens, France. 
    • 06/2010: Master 2 in Applied Analysis and Modeling from University of Picardy Jules Verne: UPJV Amiens, France. 
    • 06/2009: Master 1 of Applied Mathematics from The Higher Institute of Informatics and Mathematics, University of Monastir, Tunisia. 
    • 06/2007: University diploma taken after two years’ study of Mathematics and Computer sciences from The Higher Institute of Informatics and Mathematics, University of Monastir, Tunisia. 
    • 06/2005: Diploma second High school Mathematics, from Technical High School in Kasserine, Tunisia.

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