Profil du prestataire zied_c

Informations générales sur le prestataire zied_c

Nickname : zied_c
Type de structure : freelance qualifié
Date inscription : 02/05/2015
Dernière fois en ligne : 15/10/2022
Classement : classé 21 549ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire zied_c

Domaines de compétence
20 years of programming ..

I have extensive experience developing Software using Delphi,C#,C++, JAVA, PHP, MS SQL and MySQL.  I also have many years of experience developing desktop applications with C/Win32, C++/MFC, COM, C#, VB 6.0, and VB.NET.  I am seeking new opportunities to create software application  from scratch or to add advanced functionality to pre-existing softwares.  I'm also interested in creating desktop and mobile applications in any language that your project requires.  

Various .NET related skills include: WCF, WPF, Workflow Foundation, MVC, ADO.NET Entity Framework, LINQ, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to XML, COM and Win32 interoperability.

C++ skills: STL, templates, data structures, analysis of algorithms, interprocess communications, multithreading and parallelism with Windows Threads, Intel Threading Building Blocks and network programming with WinSock using TCP/IP and UDP.

Mobile skills:  Development of Windows and Android phone apps.

Enterprise services development skills: asynchronous order processing with MSMQ and Windows Services, distributed transactions.

Management/Finance Skills: Accounting, Inventory, Trading, Microsoft Navision, Metatrader 4, mql4

Miscellaneous skills: AJAX, jQuery, SVN, CVS, Git, Security/Hacking ..

Preferred OS: Unix, OpenSource Mind ..

Hobbies & Research : Automatism, Robotics, NAO, NXT 2.0 , V-REP, OpenCV ..
Expérience professionnelle

Projets réalisés par zied_c

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