Profil du prestataire kievu

Informations générales sur le prestataire kievu

Nickname : kievu
Type de structure : freelance qualifié
Date inscription : 31/01/2009
Dernière fois en ligne : 12/11/2022
Classement : classé 1 441ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

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Profil détaillé du prestataire kievu

Domaines de compétence
  • HTML, CSS and a solid understanding of Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues

  • Knowledge of JavaScript

  • XML

  • Knowledge of PHP
  • Graphics programs: PhotoShop, Illustrator, Fireworks

  • Flash/ActionScript 2.0 and 3

  • Deep knowledge of Mac and Windows environments

  • Experience with CMS 

  • Understanding of web-usability best practices and standards-compliant markup

Expérience professionnelle



Client : Cegos

E-learning builder, in the Cegos Studio's team.

Integrate and develop in action script 2 and 3 many “Modules”.

Ref :


2007-2008 :


Client : Anne B. Sollis/Blue Bruise


Summary : Produced a web site for an artistic event [gallery/performance opening], including a virtual tour, stop-motion video from the event and a dynamic gallery.


I conceived, designed and built this site in preparation for a gallery opening/performance event in June 2008. The site evolved before, during and after the event, incorporating pieces as they became available and helping to chronicle the event itself. The intended effect of this evolution was to build excitement, to help participants and visitors stay up-to-date with the event, and to maintain continuing interest in the artists who were involved even after the event closed.


Client : APAJH


Summary : Produced two websites, a DVD, several movies, a cartoon and dynamic interface for an organization that works with mentally disabled people in the Basque Region of France.


APAJH works with mentally disabled people, providing support, services and activities such as agriculture, sports art and crafts.


This project involved the following tasks :

  • Worked with a resident to create the drawings used in the website introduction.

  • Created a stop-motion video demonstrating various activities in the APAJH

  • Created a CMS system so staff could update textual content within animations/dynamic site areas.

  • Created a second web site for the main facility. The organization decided to take a creative approach to explaining their purpose, activities, facilities and goods produced. We created an interactive cartoon which resembles their property. Clicking the navigational links causes the cartoon to animate the viewer to new locations, and corresponding photo images are shown in a pop-up layer.

  • Produced, musically scored and mastered a DVD showing the making of a fresco at one of the organization's sites.


Client : D6Bell Light [warning – high volume]

Summary : Produced two websites, movies/animation, still photography, audio soundtrack for two web sites for a company that does service and installation for theatrical lighting and sound systems.


I started with the design of the service center factory Cle production, using stop-motion and special effects. The intention of the web site is to convey a distinctive, creative team that is well worth the money they charge for their services. The site is intended to be edgy, yet informative.


The second web site was built for the core business, D6Bell light. I was commissioned to enhance their online persona and specificity, to help prospective clients connect with the staff. We used photographs of their team and typical equipment [cables, soundboards, lights], creating a world inside a world of strange objects. Also built a CMS for their products / sales pages that allows non-technical staff to update based on inventory and pricing.


Client : University Paris12 [original web site is no longer live]

Summary : Created a web site for an event for “University Paris12”, including stop-motion video and use of sound.


The goal was to show the event in “real-time”, hour after hour, while attempting not to bore the web site visitors. The site also allowed event participants to retrace the different tours and events during the day.


I created the interface in a manner which mimicked/reproduced the existing University web site design in Flash to allow dynamic content while maintaining seamless integration between the event web site and other static portions of their site.


Client: Musée de Guéthary

Summary: Designed the website for a national museum, on-site photography, stop-motion video.


I conceived a dynamic gallery of the works, using automatic changes of scale in motion, including stop motion virtual tours of the museum site. Also, built a virtual gallery of present and past exhibits, helping catalog and condense 30 years of exhibition materials to help provide a review of the museum's history.


I was also commissioned to provide archival photographs of their permanent sculpture collection.


Who am I

I am a Web Designer with 5 years of experience designing and building original web sites for creative organizations and individuals. My previous experience as a stage and film actor/producer has given me a strong background in collaborative work, as well as a distinctive visual vocabulary. Both of these skills have served me well in working with clients to transform text and other flat content into visual designs and spaces that capture the viewer.



My most important goal in design is the clarity and accessibility of the message – balancing the advantages of the open medium of the Internet, its limitless creative possibilities, while keeping the intended audience in focus and the intended message as clear as possible.


Other works :


2006 : “Les Compagnons de la nuit”, DVD. Stop-motion and video documenting a one day event. As a volunteer on Christmas eve, created a 30 minute documentary of the preparations of volunteers/organizers, and the event itself, including a concert, gourmet food and gifts for homeless people and families.


The goal of this movie was to raise funds and awareness for the three associations that created the event and show the volunteers' work: 500 dinners were served in a magical place - the Museum “des arts forains”, which contains artifacts and rides from “funfairs” of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The DVD is available for review upon request.[original web site is no longer active]

2006 : For the Carré/Bonnat Museum, created a website containing an animated introduction and stop-motion video/virtual tour of the Claude Viseux's retrospective.

2006: Teaching project at the school of Art of Bayonne with Anne Beigbeder(Anne B. Sollis)


2005 : Chambre de commerce de Bayonne, Art therapy congress 2005, DVD. I used stop-motion video to document the creation of a fresco at the APAJH institute for mentally-challenged teens.

2005 : For Mary-Ann Bell, created DVD, movies and sound. I used stop-motion to show the creation of the piece “La méduse”, I used the same technique for another sculpture. Sound was added for the “rétrospective Killy Bell” at the Musée de Guéthary.


2005 : Created a website with a dynamic image gallery for Chantal Sore, a painter.


2004 : Created a DVD For a exhibition in a Chelsea/London gallery called “Faces”,. I used stop motion video to document 3 paintings per day of the artist Chantal Sore with 2 models. I was the artistic director, taking pictures, coordinating the models and supervising the music that was created especially for this event. Reprises (DVD)


2004 : Video Essay/Website. I used stop-motion for a virtual visit of Biarritz

2003 : Video Essay/Website. I used stop-motion for a virtual visit of Ciboure


Logistics/Production in the Movie/Television industry

1998 à 2004




1989 à 1997

Projets réalisés par kievu

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