Profil du prestataire geoffreybastien

Informations générales sur le prestataire geoffreybastien

Nickname : geoffreybastien
Type de structure : freelance qualifié
Date inscription : 30/06/2014
Dernière fois en ligne : 07/08/2021
Classement : classé 10 229ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

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Profil détaillé du prestataire geoffreybastien

Domaines de compétence
 Database architecture.
 Tree tier architecture PL, BL, Dl.
 SOA architecture
 Conception of complete Web application JS Files CSS files web services BL, DL ect...
 Architect Manager of multiple projects.
 Conception project R&D.
 Architecture of distributed processing application.
 Architecture project with hardware to business management application
o  Automation of greenhouse with management application: Web Application and pocket PC.
o  Conception of system Multimedia: Recorder, Storage, database storage, web application, dispatcher, analyse server(sound recognition server), BL, DL (manage 7Tb of data a day)
o  Conception of concept project with Variable-message sign panel and traffic management device on the highway.
 Architecture and creation of numerous e-commerce sites with tree tier architecture.
o  JavaScript
o  JQuery
o  Extension JS
o  WCF
o  WebApi
o  Web control
o  Sql Server
o  Linq
o  Entity Framework
o  Event Log
 Creation of numerous Windows Services.
 Creation of Windows notification application.
 Creation application FTP, SFTP.
 Creation of IMAP library.
 Creation of multimedia library with DirectX
 Creation of User Control.
 Creation socket application.
 Creation of web service and webApi Application.
 Creation of windows application.
 Creation of web application MVC
 Architecture and design of database.
 Conception custom script to alter or create part of database.
 Conception of table.
 Conception and maintenance of stored procedure.
 Conception and maintenance of complex function.
 Conception and maintenance of complex view.
 Conception and maintenance of Trigger.
 Conception and maintenance of constraint.
 Conception of user-Defined Types.
 Work on performance tracking, indexing amelioration.
 Creation of DTS, scheduling Transaction.
Expérience professionnelle


Client: Omnivox technologie(Canada post)             march 2014-Present
Phase 2 of the project finish in July 2013. We add a library to send SMS to the employee via Data Power, and Web Api to confirm reception. Ameliorate some functionality of the windows application and windows services. Tool to automate transfer files to SAP via SFTP.

• Wrote part of application.
• Create Web Api SMS Confirmation.
• Create Spooler SMS send.
• Created Send SFTP/FTP/FTPS library.
• Create Spooler SFTP with business logic.
Visual Studio 2010, SVN,C#, Web Api, Web Client, SMS, Sql server 2008, Multi threading, Three-Tier Architecture.


Client: Qualicode         July 2013-Present
Created user control schedule complex to manage the schedule of employees and clients with availability, non availability, conflict and alert.

• Analyzed and designed the new advance Schedule with client.
• Analyzed and test performance different of extern library.
• Created the Windows control schedule.
• Created different libraries.
Visual Studio 2008, TFS,C# Windows user control, SQL server 2010,IdeaBlade, Telerik, Three-Tier Architecture

Developed the base of a dynamic engine report to allow the user to create his/her'r own complex report easier.

• Analyzed and designed the new advance dynamic report module.
• Created the Windows control.
• Created different libraries.
Visual Studio 2008, TFS,C# Windows user control, Windows Form, Reflection, SQL server 2010, IdeaBlade, Linq,  Three-Tier Architecture


Client:       July 2013-Present
Integrated web-based application(e-Commerce, cloud architecture) that allows you to manage in real-time all aspects of a small business: Email, File Client, Document, Document fusion, billing, payment on-line, schedule and contacts.

• Analyzed and designed the application.
• Designed the database structure.
• Wrote ASPX application.
• Designed and create Web Api.
• Created different libraries.
• Wrote the BL library.
Visual studio 2010, SVN, C#, MVC, ASPX,  Web control, Generic Handler, CSS, Bundle, WebApi, WCF, SQL server 2008, IMAP, JavascSript, FullCalendar, JQuery, Extention JS, Multi threading,  Three-Tier Architecture.

Client: Omnivox technologie(Canada post)       January 2013-July 2013
Created Windows service, that analyses the information in the database and the information received via WCF and order to automatically trigger telephonic calls. I created a module that is able to implement dynamically different business rules for each individual client. I also created an application that runs in the notification display area that shows you the status of the calling server via WCF.

• Analyzed and designed with the client.
• Designed the database structure.
• Create windows service.
• Create notification application for monitoring
• Designed and created WCF.
• Created different libraries.
• Wrote the BL library.
Visual studio 2010, SVN, C#, Windows Service, SQL server 2008, WCF, Three-Tier Architecture.

Client:            December 2011-marsh 2013
Integrated web-based application (e-Commerce, cloud architecture) that allows you to manage in real-time all aspects of your fleet such as flight schedule, instructors, maintenance schedule and contacts.

• Analyzed and designed the application.
• Designed the database structure.
• Wrote ASPX application.
• Wrote the BL library.
• Create windows service for automatic Send mail.
• Create library JavaScript
• Designed and created WCF.
Visual studio 2010, SVN,C#,  ASPX,  Web control, Generic Handler, CSS, WCF, SQL server 2008, JavaScript, JQuery, SMTP, Extension JS, Full Calendar, Infragistics, Multi threading, Three-Tier Architecture .

Client: School Commission patriot    September 2011-November 2011
Created Web application allows scheduling committees for student in learning difficulty. A complex algorithm supports and distributes the directors for each committee and minimizes the travel. While grouping the same students for a given committee.

• Analyzed and designed with the client.
• Designed the database structure.
• Wrote application.
• Wrote the BL library.
Visual studio 2010, C#, SQL server 2010, ASP.NET, VB ASP.NET, JQuery, JavaScript, Linq, WCF, Full Calendar, Three-Tier Architecture .

Client: STM (public transport Montreal)   September 2009-December 2012
Created management tools to administer major projects worth many hundreds of millions of dollars.

• Analyzed and designed with the client.
• Designed the database structure.
• Supervised Development Team for major projects.
• Web service design with WCF.
• Wrote part of web application.
• Wrote documentation.

Visual studio 2008, TFS, C#, SQL Server 2008-2010, ASP.NET, JQuery, JavaScript, Linq, WCF, Infragistics, Three-Tier Architecture .

Management of subway maintenance tickets.

• Analyzed and designed with the client.
• Designed the database structure.
• Wrote application.
• Wrote the BL library.
Visual studio 2008, TFS, C#, SQL server 2008-2010, ASP.NET, VB ASP.NET, JQuery, JavaScript, Linq, WCF.

Web Service for centralized user account management for external clients

• Implement the SOA.
• Designed the database structure.
• Wrote WCF.
• Updated technical specifications.
• Tested process application using test cases formulated by the analyst.
• Analysed and designed the token system for security.
Visual studio 2008, TFS, C#, SQL server 2008-2010, WCF, VB ASP.NET, JQuery, JavaScript, Li, WCF, Telerick, Three-Tier Architecture .

Bus tire management.

• Create application using the documentation of the analyst.
• Designed the database structure.
• Wrote application.
• Wrote the BL library.
Visual studio 2008, TFS, C#, SQL server 2008, ASP.NET,  JQuery, JavaScript, ADO.NET.


Client: Eloda                 January 2006-August 2009
Created audio and video detection systems protected by Canadian and US patents. Also developed all multimedia libraries.

• Architecture of distributed processing application
• Researched and developed new video and audio detection systems.
• Created multimedia management libraries.
• Created a digital recording system.
• Created a Streamer recording system.
• Conducted system debugging and optimization involving tens of terabytes and tens of millions of records.
• Implemented different source codes in SureSafe and migrated to SureSafe .Net tools.
• Modified all Web sites following domain migration
• Developed Web site features.
• Maintained current sites as required.
• Modified video recording program (VB6).
• Developed the application in ASP.Net.
Visual Studio 2005 and 2008, SourceSafe, VB6, C++, C#, ASM, MMX, SSE, SSE2 and SSE3, JavaScript, JQuery, DirectX, SQL Server 2005-2008, Three-Tier Architecture.


Client: Bombardier Recreational Products
As part of the project to create an ASP .NET application to handle MIT time sheets and requests, I performed the following tasks.

• Application conception and design with Germany (Rotax motor).
• Wrote application.
• Wrote the BL library.
Visual Studio SourceSafe, C#, ASP .NET, JavaScript, JQuery, SQL sever, Three-Tier Architecture

Client: Serre Rosaire Pion
Stock management.

• Wrote application.
• Wrote the BL library.
• Updated technical specifications.
• Developed trolley tracking modules.
• Revised graphic interfaces.
• Tested process application using test cases formulated by the analyst.
• Answered programmers’ technical questions.
Visual studio, SourceSafe, C#, ASMX, SQL server 2000, ADO.Net, Three-Tier Architecture

Client: National Assembly
Activity time and record management system

• Analyzed and designed with the client.
• Wrote application.
• Wrote the BL library.
• Provide training on object-oriented programming in .NET.
Visual Studio 2002, SourceSafe, ASP.Net, VB.Net, ADO.Net, SQL Server 2000, Three-Tier Architecture

Client: Savourbec
Experimental greenhouse automation and monitoring system. Algorithmic environmental monitoring system, event reading application with cell phone alert in the event of a problem, remote Web monitoring service object design. C++ and C#.

• Analyzed and designed.
• Wrote application.
• Wrote the BL library.
• Creation of microcontroller circuits and program to read platelet data.
• Web services distance real time monitoring system.
• Application windows for distance monitoring.
• Created the automatic advisory email transmission system.
• Pocket PC for client delivery system and billing.
Visual studio, C#, C++, ASM, Hot plug Driver development, ADO.NET, SQL server, Three-Tier Architecture.


Client: Qualicode Software
Travel management mapping system

• Analyzed application in Visual Basic and SQL*Server 2000.
• Drafted test cases, and prepared scenarios/test scripts.
• Introduced new features.
• Wrote record documentation.

VB6, SourceSafe, SQL server, Ocx

Client: Jolimont
Automated fax transmission system
• Developed an automated fax transmission application.
• Designed interface objected.
• Tested it on different platforms.

VB6, SourceSafe, SQL server, ADO, Windows Application, Fax Library, Windows API.


Client: Qualicode Software 
Dynamic grid

• Produced a dynamic OCX data grid adaptable to multiple screens.
• Performed detailed needs analysis.
• Made necessary corrections based on recommended solutions.
VB6, SourceSafe, SQL Server 7, ADO, Windows Application, Fax Library, Windows API.

Time grid

• Developed application to display employee and client times and their availability.
• Created an OCX module in Visual Basic (grid enabling it to connect to ADO).
• Met with users to assess their needs.
• Conducted tests and participated in maintenance.
VB6, SourceSafe, SQL Server 7, ADO, Windows Application, Fax Library, Windows API

Centralise Error manager

• Developed Dll with control panel library input, permitting email transmission using the “Print Screen” key and complete regional parameters in the event of a program error, facilitating problem resolution.

Periodically followed up on the application
Visual C++, SourceSafe, Windows API, Control panel library.


Client: Ministry of Transport (Ministère des transports)
Automated email transmission management system

• Conducted development of an automated email system for requests submitted through SMTP SQL direct with SQL.
• Implemented and developed a Web ASP configuration interface, with NT and Object Com uses in a.NET environment, facilitating integration with other utilities
• Served as advisor in the creation of COM objects and their integration as triggers into SQL*Server.
Vb6, SourceSafe, MTS, Com, Asp, SQL server , SMTP.

Mobile variable message sign management (3 months)

• Developed an application to display messages at construction sites using road radar data.
• Developed COM objects for cell communication with Ver-Mac Portable Message Boards.
• Created a COM object permitting communication by radio modem with RTMS radar systems.
• Developed an algorithm management system to assist decisions on Ver-Mac Messages based on RTMS data analysis.
Vb6, SourceSafe, windows Service, Com, SQL server, Variable-message sign panel, traffic management hardware, radio modem.


Qualicode Software & Qualicode Informatique    1997-2000

Developed the Schedule Plus client, workstation and employee time management application.

• Created and developed a client profile system combining management of multiple languages, security, error management, etc. (with 128-bit encryption).
• Developed Web navigation components.

Remote updating and auto-installation library (8 months)

• Implemented the Qualicode online application deployment strategy.
• Created from a unique source code an application permitting deployment for each client according to its respective application profile and redeployment on client workstations.
• Developed an SQL Server time management application.
• Designed the remote update system (not blocked by firewalls or proxies).
• Developed update for the internal server and client application (ASP).
• Created auto-installation and auto-repair procedures (before Windows Installer).
• Set up an infrastructure permitting rapid application development from a basic structure.
• Developed global classes with over 280 API calls.
• Recommended and installed multi-server and 3-tier architecture.

Organized and updated a client service system

Consultation for numerous clients
• Laurentian Bank
• Industrial Alliance
• Ect…

Year:  1997
Program  Collegial Studies Certificate in IT
School:  Cégep de Valleyfield
Year:  2004
Program  Perfectionnement Advanced Mathematics
School:  Polytechnique Unirversity
Year:  2005
Program  Perfectionnement Advanced Electronics
School:  Polytechnique Unirversity
School:  Perfectionnement Zenon formation

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