Profil du prestataire rolly

Informations générales sur le prestataire rolly

Nickname : rolly
Type de structure : auto-entrepreneur
Date inscription : 28/07/2005
Dernière fois en ligne : 02/02/2016
Classement : classé 43 256ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire rolly

Domaines de compétence

.NET, C#, ASPX, Visual C++, C++, C, Java, XML,

Win32 platforms (WindowsXP, Windows2000, WindwosNT, Windows98, Windows95, etc)

Expérience professionnelle

I am project manager and I am responsible for the technical management of the software development projects: the management of the projects teams, the estimation of the projects costs, the creation and the management of the projects plans, risk plans and others project management tasks. I play also the role of the software architect for the software products developed by our company.


  • The main software product managed and designed by me is “Appraisal System”, a complex software system for managing the appraisal processes that is applicable for any kind of company (regardless the company size) for evaluation and management of the employees performances, competencies, objectives/goals,  trainings/courses and much more. It is implemented in C# under .NET2.0 platform and has Three-Layered Application as its main architectural pattern. The system has the next main modules: “User Pages” –for management of the appraisal processes, appraisal forms, objectives/goals, trainings/courses, appraisal process tasks, detailed status reports, score reports, notifications, and the others appraisal process entities, implemented in more than 50 ASPX pages;   Sections Templates Manager” – the designer of the sections templates that will be used to generate the appraisal forms sections, implemented as a Windows Application; “Appraisal Engine” –is implemented as a Windows Service and is responsible to automatically generate the appraisal processes tasks and schedule the notifications messages based on the parameters defined in the appraisal processes. Each appraisal process has a user defined number of steps. Each step creates a new task for the person/persons involved in that appraisal process’s step. Some appraisal steps can use appraisal forms. Each appraisal form contains few or more sections. A section can have labels, text input areas, check boxes, radio buttons, and/or list boxes. Each section has modification user rights for the participants to the appraisal process. Automatic notifications triggers can be set for a process, so in this way personalized email notifications that will be automatically sent by the system to all participants who meet the triggers conditions. The appraisal process administrators create and manage: process properties, appraisal forms, sections, trainings/courses and general objectives/goals. After the appraisal process was created by the administrator(s), the Appraisal Engine will automatically generate tasks based on the process steps parameters. The process participants will be automatically notified when new tasks are generated for them, when the tasks due date is approving and so on. In this way for example the managers will know when they have to evaluate their direct subordinates, the second level managers will know when they have to review the evaluation made by the direct manager, the employees will now when they have to add their inputs/feed backs and so on. The managers can assign to an employee a list of objectives/goals, they can create development plans which are list of courses/trainings assigned to the employees and they can generate detailed process status reports on the appraisals of their direct reports or on the appraisals of employees in their division, department and so on. Score reports can also be generated to allow the managers an opportunity to identify strong or weak performers for each defined competency and/or objective.

  • The main “SoftXL Development” product, managed and designed by me, is “SoftXL A5”, a general and easy to use incentives software system implemented in C# under .NET2.0 platform, which has Three-Layered Application as its main architectural pattern. At the user interface layer A5 has several modules: A5 Manager (the main administration module implemented as a Windows application); A5 User Pages (implemented as an ASPX application); A5 WebShop (implemented in ASPX pages); and A5 Add-Ins (the base systems Add-Ins like: A5 MS Project Add-In, A5 MS Excel Add-In, etc). The power of A5 resides in the fact that its engine has artificial intelligence, so it is more than incentives software and it could be used as a powerful project management Expert System. Its input data comes directly/indirectly from one or more base systems by using A5 Add-Ins and/or A5 Plug-Ins (A5 MS Project Server Plug-In, others base systems specific Plug-Ins). Base system examples: Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project Server, Microsoft Excel, SoftXL P5, others project management or CRM systems. By using the A5 Manager the Project Manager(s) can define and edit the A5 entities related to its/their project(s): project info, project users (including users rights), projects object attributes, rules, formulas and the numbers associated with the text values. For example by using the rule editor, the Project Manager(s) can define the set of rules that will be used by the A5 Expert System engine to automatically generate new data, based on the input that comes from the base systems. Some of these rules should be related to the reward points formulas, others rules could be related to more general base system issues. The A5 users, by using A5 User Pages, can view the rules applied to their projects and the status reports related to their projects and points. The users can decide how to use their points by selecting the desired rewords from the A5 WebShop pages. The A5 WebShop administrator could administrate the rewords/products and the users orders.
  • Other important product, developed for “Siemens VDO”, where I played the role of software architect and technical project manager is: Task Tracking System (shortly TTS). TTS is implemented in C# under .NET1.1 platform, is has Three-Layered Application as its main architectural pattern and its user interface is based entirely on ASPX. It is a tasks management system that allows the user to manage its assigned tasks, to create new tasks, to define queries those contain tasks search criteria, to apply queries for searching the tasks, and to manage the others TTS entities used in tasks definition. When defining a task, the user has to specify the project, the component, the version and the customer this task applies to. A project consists of many components and a component can have several versions. A task could have one or more attachments (attached files). When the task attributes are modified the changes are saved in the task history. Projects, components, version and customers can be managed by an administrator, so the user only has to choose them from lists. The application also offers the possibility to edit configuration parameters and every user can set the look and feel of the application including the current culture used for user interface labels.


I was senior software engineer and team leader and I am working to the next project:

·        TradeFrame: is a family of advanced Business Automation tools featuring: Document and Content Management, User and Relation Management, Workflows and Dataflows, Applications Design, Build and Deployment and math more. Trade Frame is built in its entirety from managed C# code, utilizing the fullest XML, XAML and Web Service Standards and it is designed to communicate simultaneously with multiple Databases including MS SQL Server, ORACLE and IBM DB2.

I was responsible for the next project modules/sub-modules:

·        TFVisio – is the TradeFrame Solutions designer module. It can be used to design new TradeFrame Solutions or to generate and edit the design for existing TradeFrame Solutions. Usually a TradeFrame Solution contains several TradeFrame Templates, Applications and Workflows; each Template contains several TradeFrame Properties. The solution design is saved into a Visio Document that has four pages and each page is dedicated for managing a specific design diagram (Solution itself, Templates, Workflows, Applications). TFVisio module provides graphical masters and shapes and several easy of use editors for designing and editing complete TradeFrame Solutions. All the TradeFrame Solution data are stored into the Visio Document itself and than the new designed TradeFrame Solution can be deployed in one or several TradeFrame Repositories. The main component of the module is implemented as a C# Com Add-in over the Microsoft Visio 2003. The module provides also all its main functionalities as user control; this user control is integrated in TradeFrame Solution Builder.

·        TradeFrame Solutions Manager – is a module that manages the TradeFrame solutions existing in several TradeFrame Repositories (LAN and WEB repositories). For a LAN TradeFrame Repository, after the Login dialog the user will can view and manage the existing TradeFrame solutions (depends on its Rights) so it will have available the next main commands: Security Management, Install Applications, Upload, Delete. For a solution from a WEB Repository the only available command is Download. The user can also use Drag and Drop to automatically: Export solutions from one Repository and Import them into other Repository, or to Download solutions from a WEB Repository into a LAN Repository, or to Upload solutions from a LAN Repository into a WEB Repository.

·        Go Diagram - is a module that generates graphical diagrams for TradeFrame Templates and Properties and the relations between Templates and Properties (Structural Relations, Foreign Key Relations, TradeFrame Relationships). It shows also information about the selected template/property/relation and it provides direct access from the diagram to the template editor and to the property editor, so in this way from the graphical diagram you can easily view/create/modify the TradeFrame basic structures. It can be used in two modes: by selecting a set of template and it will generate the graphical diagram for those templates or by selecting a solution and in this case is will generate the diagram for all solutions templates. In this second case it can be used also to create/delete templates to/from the solution or to add/remove visible templates to/from the solution.

·        Email Proxy – is a TradeFrame module that implements an email SMTP proxy (RFC2821), and an email POP3 proxy (RFC1939). Its main goal is to automatically store all emails from TradeFrame system into one or several TradeFrame Repositories; so it works with TradeFrame email client but it knows to work also with Outlook Express email client and can be extended to work with others non TradeFrame email clients. The Email proxy is installed as a windows service and is multi-repositories and multi user (it can serve multiple users and can stores the emails into multiple repositories/databases located on different PCs over the network).

·        Object Manager – is a sub-module of the TradeFrame Object Library that manages Create, Update and Import methods for the TradeFrame Documents (objects) and Templates. For example supposing that a user want to import a Document (object) that was created into other repository, and the Document contains several Document Properties. So before to import the Document into our current Repository the Template for the Document and all Templates for its Properties has to be created, and after that the Documents for the Properties has to be created and this can continue at the Document Property level and even recursively. So starting from creating/ updating of one single Document result an entire graph of objects (with Documents, Templates and Properties) that have to be imported, created and/or updated. The Object Manager role is to manage all this process, to create and collect the corresponding SQL queries and to execute them into a proper order by taking care of the structural relations and Foreign Key relations between TradeFrame Templates that may exist.

·        RDBMS Convert – is a sub-module that implements the conversion of an existing relational database (MS SQL, ORACLE, etc) into a TradeFrame Repository by preserving all database structures so the old non TradeFrame Applications can coexist with the new TradeFrame Applications.


I was project manager for the next software projects:

·        VSAWW: a large software system for German pharmacies that have 24 modules implemented in VC++ 6.0 and more than 800 classes. I coordinated the work for analyze and documentation of the existing code and the development of a new release for this software;

·        AbdaDbReading: a small module from INFOPHARM6.4 and 6.5 software system implemented in VC++ 6.0. It is a loading program for several data sets (with a large amount of pharmaceutical info) provided by ABDA agency (the German Pharmaceutical Data Agency).

·        CashRegisterConfiguration: a small module for the new INFOPHARM7.0 software system developed in C# under .NET platform. It was a configuration application using several XML files for storing the INFOPHARM7.0 configuration data and several GUI forms for managing these data.

·        BigAbdaApp (“ABDA-Datenbank”): a big module of the new INFOPHARM7.0 system implemented in C# and C++ under the .NET platform. The major goal of the system was to design o new database for ABDA data sets, a new AbdaDbReading loading program and the main part was a browser for this new and big pharmaceutical database. The browser has a searching editor where the several searching criteria can be added and linked using logical operators. Then the desired info (medicines, substances, interactions, and monographs) is searched into the database and the result list and the detailed info about the results are shown.

·        PahrmaCare: a medium module of the new INFOPHARM7.0 system implemented in C# under the .NET platform. This software subsystem manages the information about patients, doctors, medications, dosage and dosage-plans, illnesses and allergies. 

·        ProgAusw: a small module of the new INFOPHARM7.0 system implemented in C# under the .NET platform. This software subsystem it’s a program manager for all INFOPHARM7.0 modules. It has popup menus for selecting and running configurable actions. An action can be: a new INFOPHARM7.x module (.EXE file), an old INFOPHARM module (.IPR file), any Windows executable file (.EXE, .COM, .BAT), or a web link. It contains also a tool bar for running some of these actions and a mini web browser for displaying INFOPHARM news. Note that the popup menus and the toolbar are build dynamically by the program using the information from XML configuration files.

·        "Geolog (1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1) "-Geological software system for Win32 platforms, witch provides: geological and topographic databases, graphical and spatial modeling, and more other specific geological facilities. The version 3.1 of Geolog software system contains 3 modules: (1)The main module: responsible for the major tasks like generating of the mine topographic shapes and for geological computations. Starting from the geological samples it generates also the graphical coordinates for the shape of the vein. (2)The database module: responsible for managing of the geological and topographical database tables and also for generating of several geological reports and lists. (3)“Desen” module: is the graphical editor (and viewer) for the topographical and geological maps. The last version of this software system comprises more than 250 C++ classes and more than 70.000 lines of C++ code.

·        "Mine Digit (1.0 and 2.0)" -Graphical application for reading and editing the topographic maps;

·        I coordinated the implementation work of these geological software systems to 7 mine units from North of Romania.

·        "Tranzactii Valutare 1.0" -finances software application for currencies bank transactions.

·        "StockManager 1.0"-software sistems for a shop stock administration.

·        "WinCount 1.1" - Financial and accounts administration software system for any kind of Romanian company. This software system comprises more than 150 C++ classes and more than 60.000 lines of C++ code.


I was senior software engineer and I designed and implemented the next software releases:

·        "Historical Charting Applet 1.0" - This project provides an Java applet that interact with clients and graphically display the historical data, and any associated financial analysis, for a given stock symbol. The applet receives the row data, necessary for producing the chart, from an HTTP Server and produces an interactive graphical display;

·        "OV Testing JDBC Driver 1.0" -a test tool for testing JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) drivers (MS-SQL, ORACLE, etc). This tool provide an user interface for: registring a JDBC driver, connection to any local or remote SQL database, testing all JDBC API methods and testing the JDBC driver with SQL commands.

·        The functional test applications for the next software: "Object Vision Database Connectivity 1.0".




Superior study:

The University of Timisoara, Romania

(from 1990 to 1995)

Graduated with general average 9.54

My diploma:

· The domain: Artificial Intelligence

· The name: "C++ Library for Expert Systems"

· The result note: 10

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