Profil du prestataire rayvb

Informations générales sur le prestataire rayvb

Nickname : rayvb
Date inscription : 12/06/2008
Dernière fois en ligne : 15/03/2009
Classement : classé 59 187ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Profil détaillé du prestataire rayvb

Domaines de compétence
System skills
Apache Web Servers (Good)
Windows XP (Good)
VM Ware (Good)
Windows Server 2000 & 2003 (Middle)
Microsoft Exchange Server (Middle)
Linux (Middle)
IIS Web Servers (Middle)
TCP/IP (Middle)
PBX system (Middle)
Citrix Servers (Beginner)

Computing languages
In web development (on Linux/IIS)
HTML (Good)
PHP (Good)
Javascript (Good)
MYSQL (Good)
XML (Good)
CSS (Good)
With Windows
Visual Studio/Dot Net/Foxpro  (Good)
Visual C++ (Beginner)
With Ms-Dos
Not necessary anymore (Basic, Clipper Nantucket)
With Mainframes (Cobol)

Graphics and web softwares (Pedagogic experienced)
Adobe Creative Suite
Indesign (Good)
Photoshop (Good)
Acrobat professionnal (Good)
Dreamweaver (Good)
Illustrator (Beginner)
Adobe Premiere (Beginner)
Pitstop (PDF control)
Macromedia MX
Fireworks (Good)
Flash (Good and action scripts)
Office softwares (Level : all good – Pedagogic experienced)

Microsoft Windows XP, 2003, 2000, 98, 95…
Microsoft Office XP, 2003, 2000
Internet Explorer
Outlook Express
Open Office 2.1 (Calc, Writer…)

Previous developments
For Internet
All kinds of websites
Multi-languages websites
Dynamic websites (links with databases)
Products catalogues
Search engines
Sites with forms
Sales/payments/orders online
Customised CMS
Flash animations with action scripts
Animated gifs
Pictures galleries with antpiracy protection

For Windows
Softwares for membership’s management
CMS for websites
Exports from websites to PDF files for printing
Accounting software’s
Industrial software’s

Previous grafic realisations
Monthly books (Page setting, cover design, PDF production)
Cultural programs (Page setting, design, advertising, PDF production)
School books (Page setting, design, advertising, PDF production)
Art book
Flyers, catalogues
Graphic chart
Website’s design
Companies documents (business cards, envelops, papers…)
Photo shootings (Fashion books, portraits, King’s Family in Belgium)
All works on pictures
Expérience professionnelle

20072008 Free-Lance in Thailand
Websites in PHP/Mysql/CSS/JS
Accounting program in Visual Foxpro for a French company
Graphics and webdesign for belgian companies and editors

2002 – 2007 Free-Lance in Belgium
Graphics : page-setting books, flyer/ad/logo conception, monthly magazines,
printer jobs, graphics chart, PDF controlling, photograph…
Web design: conception, maintenance, hosting, programming html/php/mysql/js/css
Web/graphics teams management
Programming in accounting

2006 – 2007 B-Training Consultants
Teacher in Microsoft Office products,
Teacher in graphics and web software and languages
IT Analyst for official administration
Support on Microsoft Server 2000 & 2003

1999 – 2001 Manager consultant in Morocco (casablanca),
Communication, graphics
Audiovisual (lighting and sound systems for cinema’s)

1996 – 1998 Cinecom SA, in France,
Sales manager
Communication and audiovisual.
Audiovisual (lighting and sound systems for cinema’s)

1995 – 1997 AST France,
Sales manager – IT developper
Computers sales, programming on vocal/phone servers and PBX
Sales team’s management, computing support, network development

1992 – 1995 Ingram Micro Europe in Belgium, France, Holland
IT manager
IT Team’s management
Computing and PBX support, network development in Europe
Programming on mainframe and Ms-Dos/Windows accounting systems
Migration from Ms-Dos accounting system to 3090 mainframe (Cambar)
Development of Ms-Dos accounting/credit module.

1989 – 1992 Convex SA in Belgium,
Commercial, Computers assembly, support for customers,
Programming in MS-DOS, Basic, Clipper
Industrial servers for Volkswagen, Topographic programs.


Bachelor degree in management-marketing
And complement in accounting and computing

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