Profil du prestataire bkkben

Informations générales sur le prestataire bkkben

Nickname : bkkben
Type de structure : non spécifié/autre
Date inscription : 02/07/2013
Dernière fois en ligne : 10/01/2016
Classement : classé 29 192ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

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Profil détaillé du prestataire bkkben

Domaines de compétence
plateformes de travail: Linux, Mac OS, MS Windows
Expérience professionnelle

2011 Marketing & Business Development Manager - ISABELLE LANGLOIS - Bangkok, TH
to Isabelle Langlois is a French fine jewelry brand whose international office is in Bangkok. In addition to supervising 2013 design and production of POS fixtures, material and print advertisement, I organized our presence and represented

the brand on international jewelry fairs (Hong Kong, Basel, Las Vegas, Panama City). I sought new customers and followed-up on orders while providing extensive support and after sales service to existing ones. I had a critical role in opening Isabelle Langlois market in Mainland China.

2008 Consultant, Executive Support - CONTOUR Co., Ltd (2-year mission) - Bangkok, TH
to Contour is an across the board strategic design, architecture and branding company specializing in customer 2010 experience and works with both local and international companies. My responsibilities rested in providing cultural

and design input through research and concept development. The executive support part of my work revolved around communications and documents production, edition and follow-up, all in order to facilitate the development of the company. I was also project manager on the production of their website (

2006 Freelance English-French Translator, Interpreter, Editor and Copywriter - Bangkok, TH
to Concurrent to my Inlingua & English Solutions missions I worked for various translation and localization agencies, 2011 law firms, multinational corporations and institutions, and entrepreneurs. The scope of my work was ranging from

legal to marketing, business to non-profit, facilitation and mediation.

2006 Part-time English-French Corporate Trainer - INLINGUA THAILAND, ENGLISH SOLUTIONS - Bangkok, TH to Both companies provide tailored services and products to local and International corporations in the field of 2011 Corporate English and French training and coaching. I was entrusted missions in a wide range of customers

(Michelin, Exxon-Mobil, DHL, AIA, Alexander Lamont,...)

2003 Consultant, Curriculum Developer, French & English Corporate Trainer - ECC THAILAND - Bangkok, TH
to Moving to Thailand made me reach back to my formal, academic training. After obtaining a TESOL certification with 2006 the highest grade of my promotion, I was hired by the Corporate Training Department of ECC Thailand and worked

on accounts such as Ramathibodi Hospital, the Thailand Tobacco Monopoly, law firm Tilleke & Gibbins, the Landmark Hotel or the Government Housing Bank (GHB).

2001 Co-founder & Manager - ARTITUDES (Visual Communication Agency) - Paris, FR
to With two partners, an architect and a web designer/programmer, we produced immersive models and animations 2003 from architectural blueprints to support projects during competitions. Evolution of technology quickly made this type

of activity a part of any architectural practices, our company eventually dissolved into one such practice.

1995 Interior Designer & Creative Manager - RALPH LAUREN - Paris, FR
to After graduating from university, my life-long yearning for hands-on creative projects was satisfied when I was hired 2002 by the European creative services of the American designer. There I was trained to design, plan and direct complex

window displays, store seasonal interior changeovers and new stores interiors throughout Europe. My work also involved the production of training material and the organization of seminars for merchandising, sales and creative teams, whether retail, wholesale or licensed. 


1995 Maîtrise (Master Degree) in American History. Research directed by Prof. Pierre Lagayette - Université Paris X Nanterre

Thesis: “Civil Armed Groups in the United States of America”

1994 Licence (Bachelor Degree) in Foreign Languages & Civilizations - Université Paris X Nanterre

Major curriculum: English Linguistics, UK and US Literature, History & Foreign Affairs


1991 Baccalauréat (end of Secondary Education Degree granting access to university) - Paris, France

Major curriculum: French, Foreign Languages, Graphic Arts & Art History

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