Initiateur du projet :
Prestataire sélectionné : holisun
Evaluation prestataire : (8.66/10)
Description projet :

Hello I have some amendments on the project initiated by Holisun:

1°) the in the "payments" module : update the listview in adding a column "customer name" and update the way the filters work : all the filters :  customer name, invoice number, interval of invoice date, and amount must be independants from each others because sometimes the payment is made by another person different of the customer name and to retrieve the invoices we have the number or the date or the amount and not always the customer name.

2°) the in the "payments" module : when we select differents invoices in the listview could you color them to show which lines are selected and put the total amount (ttc) automaticaly in the amount field (to avoid manually compute the addition).

3°) when we print societes invoices : the societes invoices are on 2 pages and they must fit in one a4 page per invoice (for the moment the bottom is printed on a second page.

4°) could you let in the menu "reports" only the option other reports.

Thank you


Nature du projet : Ce projet est un projet concret, et une réalisation certaine


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