Projet numéro 103 : "UPDATE A PHP / MYSQL WEB SITE"

Initiateur du projet :
Prestataire sélectionné : adrian
Evaluation prestataire : (9.69/10)
Description projet :

Hello I have some update to a little web site (afbs).

The customer would like to add some functions :

1°) In the chien table :

-on the listview instead of the number having the affixe field.

On the father and mother fields : having a pop up window (as previously made) in which we can see the ident n°, the name and affixe of each dog sorted by name / affixe ...

2°) in the producteur / eleveur table :

I will add a field : producteur_affixe (1 by producteur) and we have to manage it in the edit, print / email ...

3°) check the code because there is a litlle pb : for 1 dog we met a problem : 2 dogs are brothers for one when we see the detail  we see the father / father's lof and the mother / mother's lof and for the other only the father and the mother names ...the lofs are not show it due to the fact that the parents's lofs where not present for one and created before the 2nd or something else ...?

Thank you for your answer ...



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