Projet numéro 1024 : "UPDATE A PROGRAM"

Initiateur du projet :
Prestataire sélectionné : holisun
Evaluation prestataire : (8.66/10)
Description projet :

the requests :

1°)  the way the recurrent customer is treated is wrong and we nedd to change it : for the moment we use the base field and it's a mistake : the base field is only there for information to major the price if a customer exceed this base betewwn 2 appointments ...In fact if the checkbox recurent is checked when a new appointment is created the system must now ask in a window the periodicity : (every x week or every x month with x = 1 to 12) and after thet the periodicity is selected propose the starting day to selection and the duration in month after that the user clic on a button called generate and the system create the corresponding appointments.

2°) the appointments with the checkbox confirmed checked must be in another colour on the planning (creation and management) orange for example (to distinguish them from the others)

3°) in the planning management add a new functionality in the contextual menu (for the moment when we clic on an appointment we can select another contractor) : this new option will be "confirmed" when the user clic on this option the system ask for confirmation and then put the field a_confirmer in the table rv to false. when the user clic on ok the system returns to the planning and the appointment must be coloured in red now ... 

4°) update the invoices to add the postal code and the town in the adress of the customers and add a libelle in the private invoice (agrément n° 2006.1.75.0087) under Vitrissimo sarl ... and move the 2 libelles (Nettoyage de vitres and forfait type in biger font)

5°) add some new fields and update 2 fields in the layout of planning of contractor.

Nature du projet : Ce projet est un projet concret, et une réalisation certaine


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