Projet numéro 32355 : "CHEF DE PROJET MOBILE BILINGUE"

Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :


Provides support for the client mobile applications in the Google Play and Apple Store

Manages the submission and release of new apps, tester access lists and requests for app store information about the client mobile applications (dashboards, reports )

Manages testing tracks within the Google Play and Apple Stores.

Collaborates and shares information to improve application delivery processes and release quality.

Identifies emerging requirements, best practices and policies from both Google and Apple to align mobile applications and ensure a high quality app store.

Ensures adherence to change management processes for the release of mobile applications.


Looks for new opportunities to do things better, smarter, and/or more efficiently (process improvements). Provides expertise, suggestions, and guidance on various topics relevant to mobile app publication.


Oversees the creation, propagation, and documentation of app store publishing best practices, andprocesses.


Define the strategy on replying to App Store, and Google Play user reviews


Develop and execute successful Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and App Store Optimisation (ASO) strategies according to the mobile and marketing strategy



3 5 years of experience working within Mobile app publication and store management

Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or MBA with experience in Information Systems, Business, or another related field.

Experience publishing applications in both Google Play and Apple Stores.

Experience defining processes around management of users in and publication of apps to Android and iOS app stores

Experience managing testing in Google Play or TestFlight

Experience establishing & maintaining relationships with individuals within other groups in the organization.

Experience identifying impacts of the app store policy changes to currently published applications.

Experience with Google Play Console and App Store Connect built-in reporting and analytics.

Experience with both native Android and iOS applications.

Experience working within a change management framework to deliver software

Excellent communication skills both verbal and written (English language)

Energy, drive & an obsession with monitoring and iterating for optimisation

Experience of data driven digital marketing ASO & SEO

A good understanding of the mobile market and app stores

Organised, analytical and detail-oriented with ability to work under own initiative

Demonstrated success in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment. 

Si vous êtes intéressé et disponible, merci d’adresser votre candidature par email

  • Le client: est une SSII spécialisée dans le placement des ressources humaines.
  • Durée indicative: 3 mois
  • Tarif journalier indicatif: 400 €
  • Type de mission: Freelance en régie
  • Démarrage: Asap
  • Lieu: Paris



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