Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :

To help deliver an industrialized Business Intelligence offering based on Microsoft technologies for the Company entities globally to consume. This is a high-impact role; giving our entities the tools necessary to find and effectively communicate the narrative on many business topics from CRM, Logistics and Financial, set and monitor KPIs for business growth.
The mission requires a proactive individual that drives with minimal guidance and thrives in uncertain and ambiguous environments; building structure and finding solutions to move forward.
Ideally the resource would have had technical background and moved into project management and product lead missions.

The architecture model chosen by the Company is a centralized (PowerBI) compute model per geographic region company’s operating entities to build local in-country BI programs, servicing entities requirements and need to provide governance and best practice to operate in this centralized compute model.
The mission will :
Lead initiatives and engagements, both technical and non-technical
Develop and complete the BI Service Offering from Group to Entities :
Drive product design, both technical and non-technical
Collaborate with security and technical resources for best outcome
Developed best practice patterns and references to support BI Architecture use cases.
Building process to support build to run operations end to end, which may need to be adapted or created.
Professionalize the delivery and operation of these services :
Build ITSM frameworks and Service Catalogues to support the offering with correct processes,
Develop and implement governance and reporting.
Define expectations and RACI for all elements of a solution.
Integrate into offshore service model for Run
Lead adoption with Entities globally, be the product expert - both technical and non-technical

Must have :
Solid experience in designing and building a service offers based upon multiple providers (external and internal) in a complex environment, and experience in building AS-A-Service Model from the ground-up starting small and improving quickly with an iterative agile method.
The expert must have good knowledge of end to end BI requirements services :
Data Sources and Data Pipeline Management concepts,
Data Management Layers & Best Design for MS SQL (on prem), SasS MS SQL, Azure Data Lakes,
Data Platform Operation Requirements Layers and Best Design,
Analytics and Machine learning Layers and Best Design 62 Power BI Premium platforms.

Fluent English (French would be ideal, but not essential)

Your profile fit this job offer, don't hesitate to send your updated CV by mail
  • Le client: est une SSII spécialisée dans le placement des ressources humaines
  • Durée indicative: 6 à 12 mois
  • Tarif journalier indicatif: 400 €
  • Type de mission: Freelance en télétravail/régie
  • Démarrage: asap
  • Lieu: Paris

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