Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :


Description de la mission :

Reporting to the Infrastructure Technology Solution Delivery Director, the Infrastructure Delivery Manager is responsible for to lead the detailed planning of the infrastructure solution of all projects, including business projects and effectively manage their executions.

He or she is responsible to ensure that the infrastructure solution and subsequently its execution comply with the Infrastructure Technology Service team's established best practices (POC, lab testing, support model, operationalisation, etc.)

Tâches :


- Lead solution design with ITS team members, effectively interfacing with the Project

Manager to ensure all functional and non-functional requirements are covered.

- Build resource plans by type for Infrastructure Technology Solutions resources.

- Conduct all the various review with the ITS management team in order to obtain signoff:

o The infrastructure component of the Solution

o The infrastructure detailed design

o The detailed execution plan for infrastructure activities

- Lead the infrastructure technology cost estimates as well as cost estimates for effort to build solutions, including:

o One time and recurring costs to operate and support the solution

o One time and recurring costs associated with all non-functional requirements

o One time and recurring costs of monitoring and support tools required to operate

Lieu : Montréal (CA)

Durée : 18 mois renouvelable

Tarif : Tarif non renseigné

Télétravail : Non

Début : Au plus vite 

Best regards,

  • Le client: est une SSII spécialisée dans le placement des ressources humaines.
  • Type de mission: Freelance en télétravail/en régie





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