Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :

Good morning,


Are you a Data Scientist with a passion for engineering?

We are looking for an experienced Data Scientist to develop strategic consulting and decision supporting tools.

These tools will forecast vessels performance and consumption, cargo allocation onboard, allocation & optimization of the fleet in line with upcoming regulations.

Responsibilities / Tasks

Designing, implementing and supporting an analytical data infrastructure providing access to large datasets and computing power.

Interacting with other technology teams to extract, transform, and load data from a wide variety of data sources.

Creating and support real-time data pipelines mainly built on SQL and AWS technologies

Running continual research of the latest big data, Elasticsearch and visualization technologies to provide new capabilities and increase efficiency

Working closely with team members to drive real-time model implementations for monitoring and alerting of risk systems

Skills and Profile

Qualification / General Profile

Graduated engineering school, specialized in data science and interested in maritime industry

A PhD or 2-5 years of experience operational and maritime sector

Working on problems where analysis of situations or data requires a review of identifiable factors.

A broad knowledge of applied mathematics, statistics, machine learning techniques, Time series.

Strong skills with Python / R, SQL and AWS

Data visualization tools e.g. Qliksense, Tableau

Autonomous worker and collaborative team member

Thrive in an international environment

Fluent in English

For a full breakdown of the project details and position deliverables please send the latest version of your CV 


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