Profil du prestataire sakuragi114

Informations générales sur le prestataire sakuragi114

Nickname : sakuragi114
Type de structure : freelance qualifié
Date inscription : 31/10/2013
Dernière fois en ligne : 15/05/2020
Classement : classé 12 847ème sur 95 261 prestataires classés

Tags compétences


Profil détaillé du prestataire sakuragi114

Domaines de compétence

§  Operating Systems :

·      Microsoft Windows 3.11, 95, 98, ME,NT, 2K, XP,2003,Vista, Seven, Win 8

·      Microsoft Server 2000,2003

·      Unix  & Linux (basic)

§  Database :

·      Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, 7.0, 2000,2003

·      Oracle

·      MySQL

§  Microsoft VBA for Word, Excel, Access

§  Programming language :

·      Visual Basic .NET, Visual Basic 6,VBA with Interaction  with SQL Database

·      Coldfusion

·      HTML,Javascript

·      PHP/MySQL

§  Very High Hardware knowledge

§  Component Assembly

§  Component Test

Expérience professionnelle

Since 16/10/2009        IT consultant (freelance)

§  IT Developer & Project Manager

§  Team Manager for Migration of an Existing Billing Application made in VB6 – SQL Server 2000  - Windows 2000 to MS VB.NET  - SQL SERVER 2005 - Windows 2003.

§  Building Project

§  Resources Installation

§  Building Application

§  Testing Environment

§  Customer Support


18/02/2006 to             16/10/2009      DM Consulting SPRL

§  Managing Director

§  Director of IT Company Where main business were split in 2 activities :

§  3 IT Shops selling IT components & Computers.

§  Leading 10 Peoples trough 3 Shops (La Louvière, Villers Le Bouillet, Tournai)

§  Sales Department for IT Component

§  Technical Department for all component and computers repair

§  Customer Support Department for all technical and warranty problem

§  Consultant & Services Provider

§  Leading 4 Peoples in developing task

§  Development of Websites in PHP/My SQL with E-Shop Functionalities

§  Customers development in MS VB.NET with SQL Server 2000

§  Customers development in MS-Office (Access & Excel)

§  Network Installation (Hardware & Software)

§  Customers Support (Phone & On Site)


18/01/2006                  IT consultant (freelance)

§  IT Developer

§  Development of a Complete Web Site with Accounting and sales application in PHP/MySql.

          Creation of a complete Web Site for an IT Distribution company.

          Creation of a web application for the management of the company (accounting, after sales, stock management).



17/11/2005 to 17/01/2006      Toledo Telecom NV/SA (Vilain XIIII laan, 56 1000 Bruxelles)

§  IT Developer & Database Administrator

§ Transfert of Tele-West B2B Billing on the existing system of Toledo Telecom.

          Migration of the billing application running on Access 2000 on Microsoft SQL 2000.

          Development and installation of small applications for users and customers.


23/06/2003 to 16/11/2005      Tele-West NV/SA (Excelsiorlaan 59, Zaventem)

§  IT/IS Manager

§ DBA SQL server 6.5; 2000

          Telecom billing operations: Billing, Rating, Collecting CDR from switch, reconciling, reporting …

          Development and installation of a new billing system in Visual Basic .NET and SQL Server 2000:

·         Extract Data from Binary Files coming from Ericsson AXE.

·         Identifying Client calls + Rating and insertion into SQL Server Database.

          IT network administration and maintenance:

                        - Team size: 2 IT specialists

                        - Responsible 25 computers + 12 servers + 5 Cisco Router.

                        - Setup and configuration of Win 2000 active directory, DNS, DHCP, WINS and RAS servers

          Project Management

          Least cost routing table Management for Intelligent Network (AXE network switching technology)

          Cisco Voice over IP: Network design & setup (VOiP)

          IXC SoftSwitch Management

Cisco voice gateway configuration (7200 5300 2600), routing configuration (3640), Pix Firewall management

          Visual Basic .NET Developer:

·         Development of some tools for users needs.

·         Access & Excel (VBA Developer and Administration): Creation of Macro for display in Excel, Interaction with SQL Server 2000 with ADO/DAO, Recordset :

                        select of information in an SQL database and storage in an Excel files.


11/2002 to 05/2003    Little Indian & Partners (La Hulpe)

§  IT developer

§ Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET

          DBA SQL server 2000

          Access & Excel (VBA Developer and Administration)



07/2002           ASBL Transit (La Louvière)

§  Network Administrator

§ Installation & configuration of a LAN

          Network Cables & Switch

          Internet Shared Connection, Shared Printers



02/2002 to 05/2002 European Commission (Direction Générale de l’environnement)

§  IT Developer

§ Development of a web application in Coldfusion & Fusebox:

·         Interaction with Oracle 8 database

·         Web design with Photoshop.

          Network Cables & Switch

          Internet Shared Connection, Shared Printers


1998 – 2002 HEPMBC-ISE (Haute Ecole Provinciale Mons Borinage Centre)

§ Three years course formation in Computer Science: Graduated in Programmer Analyst.

1992 – 1998 Institut Sainte Marie (La Louvière)

§ 3° to 6° in Science-Mathematics. Certificate obtained: CESS.

1986 – 1992 Institut Sainte Marie (La Louvière)

§ 1° et 2°

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